‘Put people first’ – Rabuka, Biman on their party’s administration

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National Federation Party leader, Professor Biman Prasad shares a light moment with The People Alliance Party leader Sitiveni Rabuka during their signing at the Victoria Palms Hotel conference room in Suva on Friday, April 08, 2022. Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU

A National Federation Party and The People’s Alliance party administration will “put people first”.

Former prime minister and The People’s Alliance party leader Sitiveni Rabuka said after the signing of a memorandum of understanding, that the two parties would govern through discussion, dialogue and debate and compromise when necessary.

“A government led by the PA and the NFP will bring to an end night-time incarcerations of those who express views the Government does not like,” he said.

“We will scrap oppressive legislation and ensure the democratic rights and freedoms of the people are protected.”

NFP leader Professor Biman Prasad said the MOU heralded a new era for the country – combining Fiji’s oldest and youngest political parties.

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