There is potential for US-owned businesses to invest in Fiji, says Minister for Trade and Investment Manoa Kamikamica.
While speaking to a group of American business owners in Nadi, he said there were opportunities in renewable energy, telecommunications and commercial agriculture that could benefit both parties.
“While Governments make policies and legislations, it is the private sector that drives the government’s agenda,” he said.
“And I am very glad that we are here together talking about how we can enhance investments between the two countries.
“Looking around you and looking at what you see we are hoping that you might have seen some areas of opportunities of doing business here in the future and on behalf of the Fijian government, I’d like to say that Fiji is open for business.”
He said following the global pandemic, Government has strengthened its move to diversify its economy.
“The Coalition government which is roughly about six months old has chosen to change and capitalise on the opportunities that change represents.
“Our Coalition government wants to create, wants to build investment to build our economic and fiscal strength and not rely too much on debt and Aid.
“We want to diversify our economy. You would have probably worked out very easily that quite a substantial amount of GDP is generated through tourism by 40 per cent and therein lays the challenge for us.
“One of the areas of opportunity is commercial agriculture and we believe that with the right policies, with the right political will, with private sector collaboration not only in Fiji but with all our partners around the world, we can truly transform the Fijian economy.”