PM praises men’s netball

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The men’s netball team thrashes Hong Kong 82-20 victory at the Nations Cup in Singapore. Picture: NETBALL FIJI

PRIME Minister Sitiveni Rabuka took to social media to congratulate the Crest Fiji men’s netball team for winning the Men’s Netball Nations Series.

In a thrilling finale yesterday, Fiji avenged its round robin loss of 48-60 in the third round of competition earlier this week, to claim a 55-54 victory over Australia.

Rabuka expressed his delight at the team’s historic win.

“Congrats to the Fiji men’s netball team! Fiji 55 Australia 54. What a win,” Rabuka posted.

The glorious finish is the icing on the cake for the side, who ventured into the competition as underdogs facing formidable netball teams from around the world.

They faced teams such as England, New Zealand A, Australia 23&U, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

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