Pio welcomes good news

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Home Affairs Minister Pio Tikoduadua. Picture: LITIA RITOVA

Any news about drug arrests and drug discoveries is good news.

This is the view of the Minister of Home Affairs Pio Tikoduadua in relation to the recent drug arrest of a “key player” in Fiji’s drug trade.

Mr Tikoduadua said this was positive, even though it showed what people were doing out there.

“We will continue to do that but arresting people for drug use and drug peddling and all that, the arrests are only one part of enforcement,” the minister said.

Mr Tikoduadua said the emphasis was on the harm and consumption reduction aspect, a key pillar in Fiji’s National Counter Narcotics Strategy.

“That is still the biggest area. The parents and the community must take responsibility on this drug issue.”

Meanwhile, Minister for Health Dr Atonio Lalabalavu is expected to make a Parliamentary statement this week on the progress of drug rehabilitation centres in the country.

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