PICK 6 lottery boasts multiple winners

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PICK 6 lottery boasts multiple winners

Update: 4:33PM VODAFONE Fiji has been providing genuine offers to its customers over the years.

This was highlighted by the Chief Marketing Officer Vodafone Fiji, Rajnesh Prasad, in an interview today after a 27-year-old Fijian won the $100,000 cash jackpot in the Vodafone PICK 6 Lottery game.

Mr Prasad said the Vodafone PICK 6 lottery which is the only lottery in Fiji is played through mobile phones and was introduced in Fiji two years ago.

“It was introduced in August 2014 and over the years there have been multiple winners for the mobile PICK 6 lottery game,” Mr Prasad said.

“There has been about 78 winners in the last two years sharing the total prizemoney of $600,000 which they won as part of the PICK 6 lottery,” he said.

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