Parties have to explain how to meet financial promises

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Attorney-General and Minister for Economy Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum raises a point during the virtual Parliament sitting. Picture: PARLIAMENT OF FIJI

Political parties, candidates and people representing political parties that make financial promises to Fijians will have to provide a written explanation of how the promises are to be met.

This, according to Attorney-General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum while delivering the 2021-2022 National Budget last Friday.

He said Government present a Financial Management (Amendment) Bill to amend and update the Financial Management Act 2004.

“Furthermore, the Bill will entail consequential amendments to the 2014 Electoral Act requiring political parties, political candidates and people representing parties and candidates that make financial commitments or promises to the Fijian public that they provide a written explanation of how the promises or commitments are to be met,” he said.

“No more pie in the sky policy promises, transparency cuts both ways, and Fijians deserve to know how every political party actually plans to do what they say they will do.”

The A-G said the Amendment Bill would also require him to issue a pre-election economic, fiscal update.

“This provides more transparency by providing a detailed update on the state of the economy moving into a campaign period.”

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