PA reports $21k profit

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The People’s Alliance party leader Sitiveni Rabuka with party provincial candidates after the rally in Lami on Saturday, November 12, 2022. Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU

The People’s Alliance (PA) party has declared a profit of $21,588 for the financial year ending on December 31, 2022, with a total income of $994,833 and expenses of $973,245.

This information has been submitted to the Fijian Elections Office as required under the Political Parties (Registration, Conduct, and Funding & Disclosures) Act, 2013.

PA has declared it received $568,383 in gifts. Out of this $234,925 was from supporters in Fiji, $110,063 came in from Australia, $148,963 from United States, $49,985 was sent from supporters in New Zealand, $14,990 is listed as gift from “other overseas donations” while $9457 was received from Cook Islands.

A sum of $382,110 was received from candidates as levy.

Other income for the party came from gift in kind worth $1477, where an individual paid for the Mind Your Own Business (MYOB) accounting subscription.

PA received $6494 from fundraising proceeds, $3188 was collected as membership fee and $33,182 came in from merchandise sales. Out of the total $973,245 expenditure, the highest of $257,492 was for secretariat support allowances followed by $128,912 for telephone and communication expenses.

Another $147,888 is listed as campaign expenses, $83,072 as elections polling and training, $41,492 as party leader awareness expenses.

PA has declared $61,100 as office expenses, $15,700 as legal expenses and $19,484 as motor vehicle hiring expenses.

The party has declared $69,494 was paid in allowances to its management board members.

The party kept $10,000 in petty cash under “campaign float”.

The 2022 accounts have been signed off by the party leader and Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka and party general secretary, Sakiasi Ditoka.

The accounts of the party have been audited by Iowane Naiveli and Company.

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