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Fiji archery champion Robert Elder. Picture: SUPPLIED

Fiji Olympic Games hopeful Robert Elder is adamant that being isolated in the Phillipines has kept him on track and focused to secure a spot to Tokyo next year.

“I have been stranded here due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but it has been a blessing in disguise as I get to shoot more especially in the 70 metre range,” Elder said.

“If I was in isolation at home would mean only short distance shooting.

Elder, from Navutu Village in Naitasiri, is Fiji’s top ranked archer and secured the gold medal in the discipline at the 2019 Pacific Games in Samoa.

“I came over to the Philippines on March 3 to train with my coach, who is also the head coach for the Philippines Archery team,” Elder said.

“This was a build-up towards the Oceania Championship on 6-9 April which was meant to be the Olympic qualifiers for Oceania with only one quota spot per gender up for grabs.

“But due to the global pandemic, situations changed and all of a sudden lockdowns occurred. I have been stranded here ever since on the island called Negros south of the capital Manila.”

Although away from home and in a preferable training environment, Elder said he missed small things back home like a Fijian meal.

“With the sport of archery I get to eat what I like. But I have lost 12kg since arriving because of a lean diet program, yet I really miss eating my rourou and cassava,” Elder said.

Elder has advised athletes back home still targeting a spot in the Olympic Games that isolation may be constricting but it will allow them to peak at the right time.

“This isolation I understand is a massive pain but will be better for everyone.

“With the Olympics being moved back is ideal for semi and amateur athletes because the top athletes from developed countries are professional and will be at their peak come July 2020.

“This will create a lot of upsets come July 2021 where more underdogs will be peaking in performance and stepping up on the podium.”

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