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The first week of September marks the National Library Week.

This is usually celebrated with the International Literacy Day in the country.

Education Minister, Aseri Radrodro was the chief guest at the launch of the National Library Week in Nadoi Village, Rewa.

The week-long event which started on September 4 marks the 65th anniversary of the National Library week.

Mr Radrodro stressed that events like the launch allowed libraries to consider the role of literacy in creating societies that are more equitable, peaceful and sustainable.

He said that accelerated towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) on education and lifelong learning.

The Ministry highlighted that libraries serve as a hub for information and resources, a centre for literacy and education – an advocate for lifelong learning and a meeting place for community members.

“Every year we take time to honour the contribution of libraries and librarian for the betterment of our communities,” Mr Radrodro said.

“Learning gives creativity. Creativity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge and knowledge makes you great. Thus, books enable the children to view the past, use the experience for the present and dream for the future.”

Library Services Fiji (LSF) according to the Ministry established 28 community information centres for the past 12 years in the country.

The outreach provides book-based training and activities to generate and supplement income, especially in the rural communities.

The community libraries according to the Ministry serves as a homework centre where children get together in the evenings to learn and share as a group.

There have been some success stories from those established community libraries like in Kasavu, Gusuisavu and Waisomo in Kadavu.

The theme for this year’s National Library Week is ‘There’s more to the Story’ and the International Literacy Day theme is ‘Promoting literacy for a world in transition: Building the foundation for sustainable and peaceful societies’.

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