No time given for Bainimarama to vacate PM’s official residence

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Leader of Opposition Voreqe Bainimarama. Picture: FT FILE/ JONACANI LALAKOBAU

Former prime minister Voreqe Bainimarama has not been given a time frame as to when he will have to vacate the government quarters he is residing in.

Acting permanent secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister Pita Wise said Mr Bainimarama would move out from the quarters when he is ready.

“Nothing changes,” Mr Wise said.

“The Prime Minister has given his commitment that the former prime minister will move when he is ready,” he said.

“There is no time frame. So that’s the position taken by the current prime minister.”

Mr Wise said a new process would be undertaken to address the issue.

“With regards to the offer, my understanding is that the offer was given in good faith but new process will be undertaken.

“The Government will file a motion in Parliament for an emolument committee be formed to review the entitlements and the fixes relating to parliamentarians.

“Based on that, one of the subjects will be allowing the Leader of the Opposition to be eligible for a residence.

“That is the process.

“As I said, the offer was given in good faith and new process will be undertaken.

“The directive that was given to me was that he should be given time. Whether he moves tomorrow or next week, he will be in a better position to answer.”

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