‘No talks on Speight pardon’

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Attorney General Siromi Turaga says George Speight's application for pardon needs some adjustments. Picture: FT FILE
Attorney-General Siromi Turaga and George Speight. Picture: FIJI TIMES ONLINE

Attorney-General Siromi Turaga says the Mercy Commission did not discuss the pardon of 2000 coup perpetrator George Speight when it recently met.

He confirmed the Commission on the Prerogative of Mercy has been active for the past three to four years and people had been pardoned.

However, the A-G said he could not recall the names of all five members but highlighted one that he did remember — retired Republic of Fiji Military Forces Colonel Apakuki Kurusiga.

The A-G said the commission would put out a press release soon.

“Mercy Commission and tribunal are two different things,” Mr Turaga clarified.

“Mercy Commission will be giving a press release or press conference soon.

“Yes, we have sat and the chairman of this committee is not newly constituted.

“It’s been sitting for the past three years or four.

“People have been pardoned. Unfortunately, there’s been no publicity of that.”

Mr Turaga said the commission had deliberated on a few applications in its last meeting.

“Probably you know, they were forwarded to the President. Decisions were made and we’ll inform during the press conference of the details of what happened soon.”

When asked whether the issue to pardon George Speight was also discussed in the last meeting, he said “no”.

Mr Turaga confirmed that the Mercy Commission falls under his portfolio.

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