No FNPF deductions

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The FIJI National Provident Fund (FNPF) and Fijian Holdings Ltd (FHL) will fork out a total of about $27million for their 50 per cent purchase of Higgins Holdings (Fiji) Pte Ltd, parent company for Fletcher Building (Fiji) Ltd. Picture: JONA KONATACI/FT FILE

A shocking revelation of 7145 employers in Fiji didn’t pay Fiji National Provident Fund deductions, that sums up to $65.13m, in 2022.

The FNPF has provided this information to the Standing Committee on Social Affairs, which reviewed the FNPF’s 2022 annual report.

FNPF said it managed to collect $51.05m and as of December 31, 2022 had a remaining debt balance of $14.07m.

“As of May 12, 2023, the fund has collected $2.41m, have successfully pursued via prosecution, 3rd party garnishee and time payment $6.97(m),” said FNPF.

“The funds overall debt recovery/success rate for the 2022 contribution debt to date was 93 per cent.

“As of April 30, 2023 there are a total of 38 pending civil litigation cases with the legal team.

“Out of these, 18 cases were filed by the fund against the directors personally for failure to pay FNPF contributions pursuant to section 116A of the FNPF Act 2011.”

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