No date confirmed on announcement

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FRU chairman Peter Mazey. Picture: SCREENGRAB

The Fiji Rugby Union hopes to announce the new Flying Fijians coach this week. The final round of interviews were done on Saturday at the Holiday Inn in Suva, coinciding with the FRU interim board meeting.

Acting Flying Fijians coach Senirusi Seruvakula and Swire Shipping Fijian Drua mentor Mick Byrne were both present at the venue.

The two are believed to be in the top race for the coaching job after sources confirmed that they were called in for their second interviews on Friday.

FRU interim chair Peter Mazey says at the moment they cannot give an exact date of announcement.

“That I can’t as it depends on response received for references and contracts.”

When asked if it will be announced this week, Mazey said, “we hope to.”

After former coach Simon Raiwalui expressed his resignation, the FRU gave Seruvakula the acting role, stating that a replacement would be known last month.

However, FRU general manager high-performance Barrie-Jon Mather stated on January 31 that they will announce the coach by mid-February. New Zealand’s Global Elite Sports handled the recruitment and application process.

The interview panel is believed to have consisted of BJ Mather, Raiwalui, World Rugby rep Mike Govern, FRU elite pathway and performance manager Bill Gadolo and Youth and Sports permanent secretary Rovereto Nayacalevu. Mazey was also thought to have been part of it.

“I am not and never have been on the interview panel for the selection of the men’s 15s coach,” he said in an email.

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