Ninety players eye top prize

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Marika Matanatabu (right) and Daniel Fong competes in the final of the Jacks of Fiji sponsored Nadi Squash Open at the Nadi Sports and Social Club. Picture: REINAL CHAND

Ninety players have registered for the Jack’s Nadi Squash Open Championship which gets underway at the Nadi Sports and Social Club Courts this afternoon.

The tournament returns after a lapse of one year because of the COVID-19 pandemic sporting restrictions. Players from Suva, Lautoka and Nadi have entered the two-day event.

Matches will be played in the A, B, C, D and novice grades. Fiji women’s No.1 Alison Mua, who is one of the tournament co-ordinators, said there would be best of five sets in the A and B grades.

She said the rest of the grades would play the best of three sets.

“The women players will feature in the men’s draw because their numbers are less,” Mua said.

“We thank Jack’s of Fiji for sponsoring the event. Hopefully, this tournament will boost the sport as we look forward to more events being staged.”

Team Fiji rep to the Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh, England earlier this year, Marika Matanatabu won the A-grade title in 2020.

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