Nabou: Former A-G ‘forgot the law’

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National Federation Party general secretary Leba Seni Nabou being interviewed on The Lens @177 during the build-up to the 2022 General Election. Picture: SOPHIE RALULU/FT FILE

Former Attorney-General and FijiFirst general secretary Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum fell into a trap under the very Constitution that he wrote, claims National Federation Party general secretary Seni Nabou.

And in a statement released yesterday, she said FFP leader Voreqe Bainimarama had resorted to bullying and threats because he was frustrated that things were not going his way.

“Frank Bainimarama appointed Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum to the Constitutional Offices Commission (COC),” Ms Nabou said.

“Aiyaz forgot that this disqualified him as a parliamentarian. So out he went.

“Then FFP said this was a strategy for Aiyaz to work “outside Parliament”.

“But Aiyaz again forgot the law. As a public officer he could not be secretary of FijiFirst. So now FFP changes course again.

“Now Aiyaz will leave the COC.

“This is the quality of legal advice the Fiji Government rested on for 16 years. And this is one reason why Fiji is in such a mess now.”

Ms Nabou claimed Mr Bainimarama was frustrated and now claimed the Constitution was being undermined.

“He offers no evidence. He complains that “Fijians are living in fear of losing their jobs”.

“Which Fijians? Which jobs?

“If things are really so bad, and Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum is so badly needed, perhaps he should get on a plane and return to Fiji.

“Bainimarama and Sayed-Khaiyum have no ideas left. They have no civil servants to do their work. They have no power and status to attract their usual cronies. So now, they lash out and lie.”

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