Much needed attention on dengue and typhoid as leptospirosis claims lives

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Minister for National Disaster Management , Inia Seruiratu speaks during a press conference on the update of TC Harold on May 13, 2020 at the Nasilivata House in Samabula. Picture: VILIMAINA NAQELEVUKI/FILE

Leptospirosis alone has claimed about nine to 10 lives so far says Minister for Disaster Management, Inia Seruiratu.

He highlighted this during a press conference held at Nasilivata House in Samabula today.

He said we need to focus much needed attention on the threat of dengue fever and typhoid as well

“This needed a comprehensive integrated Government approach,” he said.

“We used the integrated rural development framework to organize and mobilize the activities in the four geographic regions to assist the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Local Government particularly in addressing LTDD ( Leptospirosis typhoid dengue and diarrhea illness) in Fiji.”


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