Moving Fiji to renewable energy

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Minister for Infrastructure and Meteorological Services and Minister for Lands and Mineral Resources, Jone Usamate. Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU/FILE

The emphasis is on moving Fiji’s power supply from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

This was the comment made by the Minister for Infrastructure Jone Usamate during a debate on the Review of the Fiji Electricity Authority (FEA) 2017 and Energy Fiji Ltd (EFL) 2018 Consolidated Report.

“Our target is to make sure 100 per cent of our people have access to renewable energy out in the islands, through solar home systems or microgrids,” he said.

“We’ve seen that the renewable energy was running at around 57 per cent and last year in 2020, it’s moved up to 64 per cent.”

He said with the Japanese consortium Seven Pacific Pte Ltd now joining the company, it would assist the country in attaining its National Development Plan of 100 per cent renewable energy by 2036.

“It works in a very competitive environment because of the need to create a lot of investment.

I think there are some figures around more than a billion dollars, that we have to create as an investment to meet our energy targets.”

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