Milne, Kautoga face fines

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FIJI Bati pair Taane Milne and Kitione Kautoga have been charged by the match review committee following the Pacific Championships Bowl final on Sunday.

FIJI Bati pair Taane Milne and Kitione Kautoga and PNG’s Rodrick Tai have been charged by the match review committee following the Pacific Championships Bowl final on Sunday.

All three are facing fines, with Kautoga’s Grade 1 Dangerous Contact charge bringing the heaviest penalty as it was his second offence.

Kautoga will be fined 12 per cent of his match fees for the tackle on Adrian Lam should he enter an early guilty plea, increasing to 15 per cent of his match fees with an unsuccessful challenge at the judiciary.

Milne has been hit with a Grade 1 Contrary Conduct charge which carries a fine of 7 per cent of his match fees with an early guilty plea while Tai will be fined 10 per cent of his match fees if he takes an early guilty plea to a shoulder charge on Waqa Blake.

The Kumuls beat 32-12 the Bati in the Pacific Bowl final on Sunday.

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