Looking Back 2023 November

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International day for eradication of poverty

The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty was held at Nailuva District School in Ra. Schools from the district and nearby areas were part of the event that was hosted by the Ministry for Women, Children and Social Protection’s Poverty Monitoring Unit and the Rights Empowerment and Cohesion (REACH).

Natabua High School celebrated its students’ abilities and success with its annual award night. The night recognised the students’ commitment and hard work in their academic, sports and art activities at the school. Presenting the awards to the students was the Education Minister, Aseri Radrodro. He congratulated the recipients for their hard work and acknowledged the efforts of those who did not receive an award too.

The National Agriculture Show with the theme ‘Resilient, Sustainable and Productive’ kick-started in Suva. The event which was held at the Vodafone Arena had the Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka as its chief guest. The show has students visiting booths and stalls that promoted the agriculture industry and the types of skills and advantages acquired from farming. The show was from October 25 to October 27.

The Levuka Seventh Day Adventist Youth Club from Wailevu in Cakaudrove, Vanua Levu was assisted by the Ministry of Youth and Sports under its Youth Initiative Program. The youth club had received an assistance of $1000 worth of farming implements. n Navesau Adventist High School in Wainibuka organised a graduation ceremony for their Year 13 students. The school wished the students well in their future endeavours as they closed one chapter and begin a new one. The event celebrated the accomplishments of the young graduates throughout 2023 empowering them to step firmly in their new path.

A new water borehole project was commissioned at Vaturu District School in Nadi. The school which has been in existence for more than 100 years, serves nearby settlements and two villages – Nagado and Natawa in Nadi. The commissioning of the borehole ensures that water is available at all times in school so that teaching and learning are not affected.

Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Biman Prasad honoured the final year students of Jai Narayan College during their awards celebration. The students were in Year 12 and Year 13. He acknowledged their potential as students in shaping the future of Fiji and in contributing to the collective growth, development and success of the nation.

Mau Primary School students and teachers In Namosi had a surprise visit from the Education Minister, Aseri Radrodro. Mr Radrodro during his visit motivated the students to have a purposeful educational journey as they work towards their career goals.

Nasinu Secondary School had its newly refurbished dormitory opened. The refurbished dormitory symbolised the commitment by the Ministry of Education and the Coalition Government to providing students with a safe and nurturing environment for learning.

There was a stern warning to parents and guardians to be mindful of their children’s whereabouts during the cyclone period. There was a Tropical Cyclone and Flood warning in place where the Ministry of Education had closed schools for two days November 14 and November 15.

Rishikul Primary School had its Diwali celebration. During the event the universal significance of Diwali was highlighted noting the unlimited cultural boundaries embraced by people of diverse backgrounds in Fiji. The event helped students better understand the values of different culture, tradition and religion.

To mark Tuatua Day in Labasa, residents of Tuatua raised funds for its Methodist Church. The event was filled with fun activities as youths performed items, from acting songs to island dances. The residents’ aim was to raise $10,000.

The new Zion Club of Delailabasa organised a fun day for youths at the Labasa Sangam Primary School during the Diwali public holiday. More than 200 youths from Delailabasa, Tuatua and Nasekula were part of the fun day. Sports played during the Diwali public holiday. More than 200 youths from Delailabasa, Tuatua and Nasekula were part of the fun day. Sports played during the day included volleyball, soccer and rugby.

Latter Days Saints (LDS) Church College Year 8 students visited the Fiji Times. A total of 38 students visited the Fiji Times after visiting the Fiji Museum and Communications Fiji Ltd. As mass media was one of the topics that the students learned in school it was important for them to visit media organisations and better understand the topic they learn about in class.

Mamanuca Kindergarten students from Malolo travelled for two-hours by boat to participate in their year-end excursion in Lautoka City and Nadi Town. The children visited the Nadi International Airport, the Blackrock Humanitarian Camp, the Punjas factory and the National Fire Authority in Nadi. There were 15 preschoolers that were part of the trip.

A total of 14 students from Kumi Village in Verata, Tailevu visited the Fiji Times. The students learned about how stories and photos were gathered and fi led. They learned about the daily operations of the newspaper company, and they were excited to visit the company’s printing press to see how the newspaper is printed. Athletes and team officials that took part in the Pacific Games in Solomon were welcomed by the Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka. Mr Rabuka acknowledged the immense dedication and hard work that the athletes had put into representing Fiji on the regional stage.

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