Looking Back 2023 December

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Sunday school visits the Times

For two years, children from Yale, Kadavu fundraised to raise $10,000 for their trip to Suva. Forty of them arrived in Suva for that trip. They got the opportunity to see and visit sites they had never seen before. The initiative was introduced by the Yale Methodist Church to broaden the children’s knowledge on what other opportunities available to them after school in Suva.

Certificates and gifts were handed out to 13 students of Kumi Village Kindergarten in Verata, Tailevu. The students had completed their academic year at the kindergarten and had graduated. The people of Kumi turned up in numbers to be part of the ceremony.

Saqani High School in Cakaudrove had their prize-giving ceremony. In the same event the Year 13 students also had their graduation. The Education Minister’s advisor, Mikaele Leawere was the chief guest at the event. He congratulated the awardees and the final year students on their achievements.

A total of 17 five-year-olds and one four-year-old graduated from the Colo-i-Suva Kindergarten. The event marked a time where the students bid farewell to their teachers as they will start a new academic year as Year 1 students.

Students from Year 1 and Year 4 and six teaches from Toga District School in Rewa graced The Fiji Times office in Suva. Most of the student had never been to Suva before or to visit the newspaper company. There were less than 100 students who had visited. n Mahatma Gandhi Memorial High School Year 13 student graduated from the school. They also had their annual awards night which was organised by the Gujarat Education Society and the teachers. The school had two dux for 2023, which were Abinash Rout and Kara Vergara.

Year 13 students of Ratu Sukuna Memorial School had their graduation and prize-giving ceremony at the Holiday Inn in Suva. The message relayed to the students was that they had limitless potential. The night marked a significant milestone in their lives. It is a new beginning of their new journey into adulthood.

Nailega District School students from Wainibuka, Tailevu visited the newsrooms as part of their school excursion. There were 105 students from the school’s Early Childhood Centre right up to Year 8. They had visited The Fiji Times newsroom while being accompanied by their parents and teachers.

More than 55 students graduated from carpentry at the Naqere Training Centre in Labasa. Former Marist Brothers High School student, Iowane Sakealevu scooped the best theory, best practical and best students of the junior awards category during their graduation ceremony.

Nineteen students graduated from the Nakasi HART Kindergarten last year. Parents during the event were urged to support their children at all times, especially through their education. The students were thanked for their hard work and for finishing their preschool learning at the centre.

The final year students of Lautoka Primary School wore the noble banner blue colours for their final event at the school – their graduation ceremony. Dressed in blue Bula attire, the students felt bittersweet feelings as they leave the school, they had attended for eight years.

More than 6000 pathfinders converged at Naravuka in Macuata for the Seventh Day Adventist Fiji Mission ‘The Promise’ Pathfinders Camporee. The camp included Church members from Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Australia and from Fiji.

Before Christmas Day, Sunday school children from the Nasigatoka visited the State House. The President, Ratu Wiliame Katonivere was happy to receive the young children at his home. The children were accompanied by their Sunday school teachers and parents. The President wished the children well in their future endeavours.

The Ministry of Youth and Sports national youth brass band delivered a memorable birthday surprise performance for the Youth and Sports Minister, Jese Saukuru at his village in Naviyago, Lautoka. The Minister turned 55.

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