Letters to the Editor | Thursday, May 23, 2024

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Selestino Ravutaumada during the Fijian Drua training session at their Fijian Drua Home Base ground in Legalega, Nadi. Picture: FIJIAN DRUA

Race to the end

Seeing the smiling picture of Selestino Ravutaumada (FT 22/05) made me realise that we have an asset with us. Boy, I’d love to see the gentleman play 7s rugby especially the Paris Olympic Games. Ravutaumada will hold the key to our explosive backline against the Highlanders. Temperature is expected to be around six degrees and the cold will have its toll on the Swire Shipping Fijian Drua, as our local boys are not used to playing in such a temperature. The Drua have two matches to play, and the last battle will be at home versus the Melbourne Rebels. The Western Force, after their win over the Waratahs, are beaming with confidence and will aim for a spot in the top eight. The Drua must avoid any slip up, or we shall miss the quarterfinal berth. Excitement is high, but the boys must get the job done. The boys must keep it simple. They must execute the game plan and launch the Fijian beast on the field. All the best fellow brothers! Rajnesh Ishwar LingamNadawa, Nasinu

Rugby coaches

Coaching positions of Fiji Rugby Union teams has become somewhat puzzling! Mick Byrne seems to have assumed a position of authority in both selection and execution, despite his very average results with the Fijian Drua. He has failed to win any away games this year for the Drua and managed very close game wins at home. The Drua sit in a perilously close position to not making the playoffs. Yet for some strange reason, he is appointed coach of both the Drua and the Flying Fijians. A never before seen scenario. And now we have a public statement from Byrne, “welcome mate” to his friend Jackson, new coach of the Drua, a referee basically! Who is Jackson! Fiji has a very qualified local coach, in Seruvakula, but always overlooked in favour of an expat coach! Understudy to two or more World Cup coaches, proven record domestically, early experience of the Drua in the Australian domestic competition, but always sidelined! Why not given coach of the Drua at least? Expats coach both the Drua and the Flying Fijians? What is wrong FRU? Do you have any say regarding a local coach being selected, both Drua and Flying Fijians? Or does the infamous World Rugby dictate all positions? Please FRU, stand up and speak out! William Gardiner
Balawa St, Lautoka

Poor service

During lunch yesterday, I stopped over at MaxValue Supermarket across from FNPF to purchase a few cans of fish (for my cat Biku) and was appalled at the snail-paced service being rendered to a queue of noticeably irate shoppers. With only one cashier at the checkout counter, the supermarket had suddenly run out of environmentally friendly shopping bags and staff casually resorted to using empty cartons as substitutes.
This chain of supermarkets once prided itself as a one-stop premium outlet with resourceful service and amenities. With empty shelves, a closed food court and a bakery which is no longer in operation, this store, needs a complete overhaul in terms of practical functionality in the demanding and competitive retail segment. And did I mention the ridiculous exterior “Barbie” themed paint job? Nishant Singh Lautoka

Disciplining school students

Students must be disciplined at all times. Disciplining students not only lies in the school boundary, or in the home of the student. Students spend only seven hours out of 24 hours in school, five days out of seven days. The students spend only 29 per cent of the time in the day in the school, and the other 71 per cent is spent either home or elsewhere. Moreover, of 168 hours in a week, a student spends 119 away from school environment or boundaries, which is 70 per cent of the time. It, therefore, becomes the responsibility of parents, the other family members, relatives, community leaders, religious body leaders and the other government agencies to monitor and take charge of the child’s disciplinary issues. It is better now to reintroduce village and community disciplinary measures apart from home. This is the way forward to make Fiji a more disciplined and better place to live in. Let us make this happen. Indar Deo Bisun  Sakoca Heights, Tamavua

Consultation issue

Minister for Health says controlling the use of pseudoephedrine needs to come through a wider consultation with the ministry and other stakeholders. Is he for real? Consultation is broken, time consuming and now is the time to make dramatic changes. A paternalistic approach to the tide of methamphetamine strangling society. New laws need to be passed now to control the key ingredient of methamphetamine, which is pseudoephedrine. Are they awaiting an epidemic of methamphetamine abuse? It will affect not merely the users but will also be the leading cause of property crime because of the need to finance their addiction. There is something really fundamentally wrong with the three legged government. Kemudou! Wise Muavono Balawa, Lautoka

French colonialism

Anyone interested in acquiring a deeper understanding and insight into the misreading of France’s colonial agenda in New Caledonia, without taking proper cognisance of the aspirations of the indigenous people, must read Nic Maclellan’s illuminating analysis of the disaster which was waiting to happen in ‘Civil unrest in New Caledonia’ (FT 21/5). Hope the relevant state parties and the UN decolonisation body will heed the inherent problems Maclellan identifies and address them accordingly and not make the kind of mistake that was made regarding West Papua.
Rajend Naidu Sydney, Australia

National shame

Some years back, I overhead a group of individuals (assumed to be tourists) in deep conversation.This was on the early morning of the first day after the end of a well known festival in Lautoka. The group were looking at the festival venue. One of them asked the rest, what kind of people have visited this place. The place appeared like a litter bomb had exploded. After large public gatherings, the sight of rubbish-strewn venues have become a permanent fixture in our national calendar. Since those in charge of administering the litter fine continue to be invisible during public events, I think relevant authorities should employ baby sitters on short term contracts. Littering has become a national shame.
Mohammed Imraz Janif  Natabua, Lautoka

Tui Levuka installed

I congratulate the Tui Levuka, Ratu Etonia Seru Rokotunaceva, who was installed as the paramount chief, after a 16-year break. This epic and momentous event marks a new dawn, a new beginning for those in the Old Capital, re-affirming links to their ancestors. Furthermore, the ceremonial handing over to Ratu Etonia marked the beginning of the symbolic transfer of power, signifying the passing of land, resources, fisheries, and common duty to the people of Nabukebuke. The Tui Levuka will be joined by the 10 chiefs, who represent the 10 villages in the Levuka district, for a period of isolation. The installation process will be completed on Sunday with a church service which will be conducted by the Methodist Church. This event united the people of Levuka, and it shed light on the rich legacy of the Fijian cultural heritage. Rajnesh Ishwar Lingam Nadawa, Nasinu

Artificial intelligence

It is only a matter of time. It will not be a case of “if” but “when”. Artificial Intelligence, when in the possession of wrong hands, will hurt our musicians, entertainers and the like. Original artists will hurt financially. Time will tell. Copyright Laws can be severely affected, in my view. Prove me wrong. “Copy cat voice-over” will be the order of the days to come. Our law and order officials must be professional and spontaneous in handling such situations, when they arise. Training must start with immediate effect. Adequate funding must be found. Still penalties are necessity for such crime. In my humble view, artificial intelligence, in the wrong hands; and for wrong reasons, will hurt mankind immensely. It can be very destructive. Our legal scholars must act in haste to adequately protect all concerned. Pro-active is the preferred choice. Ronnie Chang Martintar, Nadi

Risky behaviour

I was walking in Tikaram Park, Lami the other evening with my dogs when I spotted three teenage boys on top of the children’s play equipment.
They shouldn’t have been there for two reasons: they were too old to be ‘playing’ on it and they shouldn’t have been on top of it. It was very risky behaviour, indeed. My conscience told me to warn them and it was up to them whether they chose to take my advice or not. No, they didn’t wish to but instead remained there. I told them that I had broken my arm a few month’s earlier and that was inconvenient for me. I shared this with them in the hope that it might make them come to their senses, but they were not interested in my misfortune in the slightest. I thought about the boy I met in the Children’s Ward of the CWM Hospital the time I took my ‘little fella’ with four legs to visit the children. The boy was just 15 and was a quadriplegic. It happened so quickly as he jumped off a bridge into shallow water and severed his spine. The other thing that I realised was these children were not supervised. Where were the parents at such a critical time? Would they be feeling guilty if something happened to their son? The question begs. I felt helpless as my words were like water off a duck’s back. I pray someone reads this and values the importance of supervision for our children. Julie Sutherland Delainavesi

Street kids

ON the matter of the Suva City Council and street kids, there have been talks with the Fiji Police Force for a memorandum of understanding to be signed soon on how the two parties can work together. Is this possibly why police presence has not been noted in the city because an MoU has to be signed every time something has to be resolved as such? The harassment of locals by street kids is one thing but let’s also not forget in dealing with such issues in our cities that we should be highly considering our tourist market and the negative impacts on it. I have not yet heard any consideration made towards this market to date! Noleen Billings Savusavu

Job creation

IT will be most helpful if unemployed Fijians are given opportunities to find jobs in Australia and New Zealand. Dan Urai Lautoka

Overseas trips

PM Sitiveni Rabuka told Parliament government ministers and assistant ministers took 192 overseas trips since the Coalition Government came into power to March, 2024 (FT 22/5). The benefits of the overseas trips would eventually “trickle down” to the ordinary Fijian people. When will that happen I wonder? Rajend Naidu Sydney, Australia

New Caledonia

The paper headlines screamed that New Caledonia was “under siege” (FT 20/05). Under siege from who? The indigenous people that own the land? So ironic, isn’t it? France, a country nearly 17,000km away wants to rule it, even in 2024 — and not surprising, considering New Caledonia has about 25 per cent of the world’s nickel resources, so key for Electric Vehicle batteries. Typical, shameful colonial behaviour by the French in the 21st century! Inoke Vakalabure Yasiyasi Rd, Nadera, Nasinu

Promises made

A tactical method of the three political party that later formed the three wheeler Coalition Government during their preparation leading up to the 2022 General Election was their vesumona campaign. We will bring back the GCC, we will remove VAT, we will lower the cost of food, we will amend the Constitution and many more promises. Yet to date they have materialised that they are not capable of fulfilling their promises.
AREKI DAWAI Maharaj Pl, Suva

Where are the mentors?

Too many young cops roaming without guides! Where are the more experienced mentors that used to roam with them before? Noleen Billings


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