Letters to the Editor | Saturday, February 24, 2024

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Laitia Moceidreke, middle, during training with the Newcastle Knights side in Nadi. Picture: BALJEET SINGH

Star in the making!

Viseisei villager Laitia Moceidreke is expected to take Churchill Park by storm when he lines up for the Newcastle Knights against the Melbourne Storm this afternoon. The new Fijian talent, who is set to be unleashed in the Sugar City, is set to shine in the upcoming clash, as he starts on the wing in a crucial role to bolster the team’s finishing. Moceidreke, who has been part of the development camp for the Knights, has been handed the opportunity which has been labelled by rugby pundits, as a significant milestone in his budding career. Moceidreke acknowledged the unique challenge of playing in front of the fervent Fijian fans, as he anticipates the loud cheers and support, especially from his family. Apart from Moceidreke, Tui Kamikamica will receive a huge ovation as he dons the Storm jumper. Both the Storm and Knights are expected to thrill fans at Churchill Park. Wishing them all the best! RAJNESH ISHWAR LINGAM Nadawa, Nasinu

Storm and Knights

Will the Storm persevere throughout the Knight? The only way to find out is to be at Churchill Park for a preseason game between Melbourne Storm and Newcastle Knights. For now, I am going with the underdogs and tipping the Newcastle Knights to register a victory against the Melbourne Storm. May the presence of first grade rugby league at home inspire some of our local talent to secure professional contracts in the near future. FLOYD ROBINSON, Micronesia

New leaders

To the bright stars stepping into leadership roles as prefects in Fiji schools, congratulations on your well-deserved positions. Your service and dedication will surely bring change to your school environment. Remember, you are chosen to serve, not to be served. Building leadership character will undoubtedly shape you into better individuals. This is the foundation for building leaders for the nation. If we look around, many high-ranking or respected individuals were once leaders in their school lives. Wishing you all a year filled with growth, unity, and unforgettable experiences as you embark on this journey of leadership. Many blessings. RODNEY CLARENCE RAJ Naleba, Labasa

Catching criminals

Catching the criminals involved in the large drug discovery is like catching fish with a net. The first throw will get you a large number who are caught unawares, the next and subsequent throws will not get you any targets as they become careful and spread the word around. So you need to change strategies. The present investigations are similar, the first raid got 13 suspects and the clock seems to be jammed at this point as no new numbers are being announced. It looks like both the criminals and the police have changed their tactics and gone underground. Ajai Kumar, Nadi

Traffic congestion

The additional hump at the Tamavua Village has slowed down traffic considerably during peak hours. Commuters through Princes Rd have to follow the que for more than 45 mins daily to simply drive over the humps and its light traffic thereafter. It has been often said that access to roads are means to generate economic activity and growth. Question is, how can there be economic activity when workers are stuck in traffic for over an hour and sometimes two hours. The mental and physical impact of sitting idle over a period of time can be daunting for some workers who will take time to recover to be productive at work. Now we hear in the news that Tamavua Village is threatening to close the road due to safety concerns after road deaths within the portion of the road along the village. If this was to happen, an influx of traffic along Kings Rd will simply bring vehicles to a standstill which will be detrimental to the economy. I strongly urge the Minister for Infrastructure, the Fiji Roads Authority and all relevant stakeholders to take a hard look at where we want to be with our road network and systems. They’ll have to be creative and innovative with their plans and it should be achievable and sustainable in the long term. We’re adding vehicles to a road network and system that simply can’t handle the influx and if we don’t do anything about it soon, we’ll be perpetually stuck. Sailosi Naewe Naduru Rd, Nausori

Avoid risks

There are numerous images and videos circulating on social media showing children crossing flooded rivers. Fijivillage also featured a report detailing families in Ra assisting their children in crossing a flooded river. Despite repeated warnings from government authorities advising against it, people continue to defy cautionary measures, endangering their lives by attempting to cross flooded rivers. Why are people not prioritising their own safety? Do parents not realise that by helping their children cross flooded rivers, they are jeopardising both their own lives and the lives of their children? The consequence of such risky behaviour can be devastating. It can end up in people sustaining serious injury or even loss of life. By disregarding warnings, people not only put their lives at risk but also place unnecessary strain on emergency response teams tasked with rescue operations. It is important for people to prioritise personal safety and heed warnings issued by authorities to prevent avoidable tragedies. SANJEET PRASAD Mani Rd, Bulileka, Labasa

Customer services

Can the key service providers in Suva and towns eg., banks, supermarkets, Vodafone, Digicel, etc do provide full and complete services during lunch hours for obvious reasons? There are more people including those on their lunch also needing services. Yet, often we fi nd many service cubicles empty and full and complete services not being provided. SAVERIO BALEIKANACEA, Delainavesi, Lami

Parking space

Finding a parking space in Lautoka City is a nightmare nowadays. On a Saturday, forget about finding parking space the whole day. Also the same problem is seen at Lautoka Hospital. I don’t see any solution to this problem now. Maybe park your car outside the city, walk to the city, do your shopping, take a taxi to your car, then come home. Ajay Singh Natabua, Lautoka

Secure line

The Government should establish a 24 hour hot line for any drug information from the any stakeholder. It should be extremely confidential unlike the crime stoppers one. There should be no identification at all. Rewards should also be offered. Asish Vinay Prasad Park Rd., Raiwasa, Suva

Glitch me baby!

That highly disputed 2022 general election “glitch” was probably one of the greatest major muck ups in Fiji’s election history. Anyway, I hope we can determine the fundamental causes of this serious matter and get some closure. I am also composing a song which will be featuring this infamous glitch and the 2022 General Election. It will be titled “Glitch Me Baby One More Time”. Nishant Singh, Lautoka

New town

It is proper, in my view, for Keiyasi in the Navosa Province, to be developed as a town. The “intersection spot” has been the financial hub of the province for quite a while. There are relevant government facilities already existing and the upgrade should boost the region to be self-reliant, economically. Let us hope that Keiyasi Town would “make a difference”, so that other potential areas would be encouraged, through it. Samu Silatolu, Nakasi

Sporting weekend

A sporting weekend of Super Rugby, Vancouver 7s and the Melbourne Storm pre-season trial match against the Newcastle Knights right here at Churchill Park. Not forgetting the local soccer matches sanctioned by Fiji Football Association which is also taking the sport into the abyss. Isa! Wise Muavono Balawa, Lautoka

Police credibility

Just because of a few corrupt officers, I saw someone commented on social media that police are not trusted anymore. It really hurts to the core especially to those who had been there and done that. Blues at heart! Pita Soroaqali, Rakiraki

Student discipline – critical for life

Discipline is a complex phenomenon It’s normally the practice of training people To obey rules or a code of behaviour This is a simplistic way of defining discipline Discipline is not just a moral value It is a powerful virtue for success If a child is not disciplined He/she will not be able to Implement plans in real life Which can cost a lot later in life Communication is an important key Children must face consequences for misbehaviour Respond firmly but fairly The birthplace of discipline is home Where parents instil virtues of discipline Children have already imbibed some discipline Before they enter the gates of school Elders must always provide opportunities for problem solving By always using appropriate language and strategies The focus here is on student discipline It appears that students’ discipline is declining This affects their overall learning capacity Learning is beyond technical knowledge Let’s be ready to build on our talents And nurture our behaviour and character Degree, Diploma or Certificate is still partial knowledge What we make of our talents and life matters in the final analysis Discipline is a firm assertion to achieve The best of all goals Instead of controlling, defining acceptable behaviour is crucial The critical questions are What is acceptable behaviour? Who defines acceptable behaviour? How do we implement acceptable behaviour? Acceptable behaviour is a relative concept What is acceptable to one group May not be acceptable to another group We need to view this with deeper perception Seeds of humanity and respect are sown when we are young Discipline is an integral aspect of education Benchmark of discipline are role models and other successful people There is a need to change our mindset That discipline cannot be nurtured through fear and force Discipline comes with mutual respect, humility, dignity and love Discipline teaches students to be focused and motivated Towards their studies as well as other fields of their life Discipline is defined by words and actions students exhibit A disciplined student can be more successful than an intelligent one Discipline is not just for school But for life as a whole. BHAGWANJI BHINDI Laucala Beach Estate, Nasinu

Laptop assistance

It is really commendable that the Fiji National Provident Fund (FNPF) has made the decision to allow laptop purchases as part of their educational assistance. Working parents in lower income brackets will now be able to afford laptops for their children, supporting their secondary and university studies. It is my fervent hope that the members will not misuse this withdrawal provision. DINESH KUMAR, Ba

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