Letters to the Editor | Saturday, February 10, 2024

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A stunning image of a young polar bear drifting to sleep on an iceberg, by British amateur photographer Nima Sarikhani, has won the Wildlife Photographer of the Year People’s Choice Award. Picture; BBC

Stunning image

That stunning image of the polar bear sleeping on a drifting iceberg which won amateur British photographer Nima Sarikhani the Wildlife Photo of the Year (FT 9/2) should also serve as a stark reminder that at the rate we going on the climate change front we are likely to live future generations with only a natural museum replica of the polar bear. Some claim the tipping point has already been reached. Rajend Naidu Sydney, Australia

Immunity issue

To subjugate and create fear, your target must be shocked and awed by necessary means and be terrified. Terrorism 101. But this action was never borne out of the terrorism handbook. This was the prerogative of military commanders for millennia. The two principals of Fiji’s new Constitution after the 2006 coup decreed immunity in it to Fiji’s military and any actions by them as at December 6, 2006 and afterwards gave them free reign. This was to subjugate the people’s basic human right to free speech and to disagree. That death and atrocities happened in Fiji’s military camps is true. Families and people who were directly affected by this abuse are still living today and can name the army officers who took part in their brief incarceration. Apart from immediate family members, Fiji’s military have tarnished their reputation by their actions post 2006 and are seen by many in Fiji as just another militia. A best dressed militia at that. The traumatic abuse meted out can never be forgotten and karma is a reality in the world. I ask families and all who have experienced Fiji’s military abuse to please forgive them. And as you remember your own crucifixion at the hands of Fiji’s very own military, I would like us all to recite Jesus prayer at his Passion on Calvary with just one omission: “…..Forgive them Father, for they know what they do”. Epeli Rabua Suva

Valentine’s and Lent

Valentine’s Day and the beginning of the Lenten season falls on the same day this year. Considering the rise in break-up and divorces, it would be a great idea to take your spouse to church on February 14. There ain’t a better way to celebrate Valentine’s day and observing the beginning of Lent. Wise Muavono Balawa, Lautoka

Viral videos

Is it me, or does it appear more people are pulling out their cell phones to capture images rather than helping out these days? The Good Samaritan surely has been replaced by the shutterbug. The age-old question gets asked again: “And who is my neighbour.” Looks like mercy towards fellow men is becoming a foreign concept. Praneet Singh Sacramento, CA, USA Online video The Online Safety Commission (OSC) had requested everyone to stop sharing the violent video of a child being beaten. Yet I believe the honourable minister refused to remove the video from her Facebook page. She said she would wait to receive notification from the OSC. When the OSC put up that notice, I believe it was meant for everybody, including honourable Tabuya. She ought to have acted responsibly and immediately remove the video. Madam Minister, for your stance not to remove that video from your Facebook page, you get a thumbs down from me. SANJEET PRASAD Mani Rd, Bulileka, Labasa

Special means

So the relevant minister would wait for a direct special communication from the Online Safety Commission to remove the viral video while the rest are required to follow a blanket directive. If I were the commissioner, I would have used EMS Fiji to reach all potential smartphone users around the world. Believe me, they provide smart great service. Actually, I think this video had become a virus. I have not seen the video and if I were to view it after making a complete U-turn, I would use a mask and blindfold. Provided they come with a warranty. Until then I’ll stay offline and pretend to be a pretty smart guy. I have no videos to share anyway. Mohammed Imraz Janif Natabua, Lautoka

Live ammunition

With RC Manubhai opening up in Savusavu, we farmers and property and estate owners wish to request RC Manubhai to come prepared to supply live ammunition from your store. The past years have not been easy having to travel all the way into Suva to make a purchase of rounds for the same cost as it takes to travel to obtain them.NOLEEN BILLINGS Savusavu

Power of patience

Patience is a virtue that we all love to cherish Patience is our ability to persevere in the face of adversity Is patience inborn or does it need to be nurtured? This is a fundamental question to ponder on Patience is courage to traverse turbulent sea of life With self-confidence, self -trust and deeper understanding Of human mind, heart and behaviour Patience helps to foster a healthy attitude It improves our ability to accept setbacks and enjoy life better Patience allows us to persevere and make more productive decisions Which carves a path to greater success Patience reflects openness to different perspectives and opinions Patience in institutions and organizations where we work There may be conflict with our work ethics and may aggravate the situation This calls for a reservoir of patience It’s unwise to act on the spur of the moment The real test of patience is to stay Calm and composed in trying times Patience is our ability to wait for things to unfold naturally Patience implies self-control ‘Wait’ is the secret in overcoming stressful situations Especially when one is provoked to react Anger may trigger and one may blurt out impulsively It would be wise to apply a smart brake and wait Or walk away from the situation This delay in action may save serious consequences This is the quintessence of patience Patience can be misconstrued as weakness and indecisiveness Patience to wait for the right moment to act is wisdom Rather than acting impulsively is a prudent thought Impatience can trigger accidents, anger, frustrations Indiscipline, tragedies, stress level, depression, anxiety Impatience can limit opportunities Instant result culture causes overwhelming stress Which hinders personal growth and produces regret The most momentous rewards come from willingness to wait Power of patience lies in one’s ability to wait with calmness BHAGWANJI BHINDI Laucala Beach Estate, Nasinu

Teacher bullies

As a language educator and researcher, I am appalled that today’s primary educators lack essential human values such as compassion, tolerance, human care and empathy for their young students. This is in reference to young children being beaten, all because they did not complete their writing activity on time. Despite the work pressure, what was the need to push students to complete their writing activity? We need teachers who are flexible, humane and innovative in their approaches to teaching our children in the primary and secondary levels. The Fiji Teachers Union should step up and tell all the parents of Fiji and other educators of Fiji who do not condone such abuse in our classrooms, what action they will take against not just the assistant head teacher who gave out the physical beating but also the teacher who recommended it. This is not the time to defend these teachers, just because they are financial members of a large union. This is not happening for the first time. Students are being subjected to verbal abuse, ridicule and contempt, aggressive behaviour and teacher bullying in all our schools. Every student has a story to tell. Parents think teachers are disciplining students and therefore this authority is never questioned. The lack of courageous and honest, transparent leadership by principals and headteachers has led to our schools becoming more like correctional facilities. I am requesting the permanent secretary of the MoE and the minister to vigilantly monitor all primary and secondary heads and whether they are themselves positive role models for their teachers. We need data from school heads on whether the pedagogies their teachers are using are based on fear and punishment or on collaboration, positive feedback and humane communication skills. Are our young school prefects/ leaders also emulating the fear and punishment model from the teachers and heads of the school? They need to be the students’ voice and not disciplinary agents of the school administration. We don’t need teachers in our classrooms who behave like maniacs. Our children at all levels, need more
humane and caring teachers. REGINA S. NAIDU Lautoka

Medicinal cannabis

Kere seeds. I got land. Enough land to grow and fill up ‘the barge’. By the way, any news on that, ‘the barge’? Manoj Lal Patel Drasa Ave, Lautoka

Mickey Mouse

IN reference to a letter on Mickey Mouse’s psychological health FT 7/2, while in India, he could get his brain checked since it’s not cheap in Aussie, aye mate! AREKI DAWAI Suva

High hopes or no hope

With the Coalition Government progressing with the intention of establishing a medicinal cannabis facility in Fiji and with all the recent billion-dollar drug seizures, I have lost all hope saraga! (FT 09/02). Nishant Singh Lautoka

Valentine’s wishes

The gifts and treats to celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14 are commonly seen in this modern world. I feel Valentine’s Day is everyday celebrated with love, well wishes and blessings from the heart throughout your life. Care and share with love. Wishing you all a blessed day, every day. You are my everything, every day. Happy Valentine’s Day. Tahir Ali Hamilton, New Zealand

Legal framework

I don’t know what on Earth the minister responsible for child protection might be smoking to justify her sharing on Facebook the video of a 11-year-old girl being brutally beaten by her father (FT 9/2 letter by Aaron Blakewood of Auckland refers). As a former social welfare child protection caseworker, I know the Juveniles Act did not allow any picture of a child to be published. Has the legal framework for child protection changed? Rajend Naidu Sydney, Australia

Too many cooks

Thirteen people charged for importing drugs into Fiji reminds me of the famous saying ‘too many cooks spoil the soup’. Anyway we can only know about the soup after the case. Sukha Singh Labasa

Political witch hunt

Former attorney-general and oppressor Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum claims that the case against him and Bainimarama is political witch hunt (Fiji One news 07/02). A case of the shoe on the other foot, Aiyaz? And you also have developed a practice of referring to Bainimarama as the “Prime Minister?” The tyrant Voreqe is no longer the nation’s leader so please absorb this fact into your skull Aiyaz! Your statements are indeed hilarious. As the late Unkol Allen would have aptly put, political witch hunt tuma “gun”. Nishant Singh Lautoka

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