Letters to the Editor | Friday, February 23, 2024

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Tui Kamikamica takes a selfie with fans after their training run at Churchill Park in Lautoka. Picture: BALJEET SINGH

Raring to go

I can imagine how excited Melbourne Storm prop Tui Kamikamica is, as he prepares to play in front of his family, especially his mother Nanise Kamikamica, who is his biggest supporter, and friends in the pre-season trial match against the Newcastle Knights at Churchill Park. Tui, who started his rugby career with Queen Victoria School and was part of the team that won the prestigious Deans Trophy against Ratu Navula College, has played a clinical role for the Fiji Bati, and has a huge fan base. Both Storm and Knights have followers in Fiji, and I’m expecting a bumper crowd at Churchill Park. Tui last played in front of Fijian fans in Fiji 12 years ago, and he is raring to go. Wishing Tui, the Storm and Knights all the best! Rajnesh Ishwar Lingam Nadawa, Nasinu

Housing scheme

Colin, you are right. The idea of owning one’s home is a dream for many and does indeed give a good feeling of security. But as you rightly warn, there are important matters to consider, such as insurance and rates that require regular annual payments. Maintenance can be a constant drain on financial resources. From stories I have recently been told, there are many tenants in rented property who have no respect for the building they occupy. This will require education of all family members if it is not to become a continual problem and cost to new homeowners. Let the dream come true for all those prepared to take on the necessary responsibilities. Tessa Mackenzie Suva

Better solutions

Raynav Chand questions: Do the teacher unions have any better solutions on teachers’ regularisation? (FT 18/2). I believe there are many strategies to promote or demote teachers. We often hear terms like most meritorious and experienced as applications go through various procedures including post processing units. The Ministry of Education, school managements and teachers unions should all work together to find a better solution. However, the Fiji Teachers Union and the Fijian Teacher’s Association should unite under one body for a strong voice to solve many education problems. United we stand. Tahir Ali Hamilton, New Zealand

Gone too soon

Saddened to learn of the sudden passing of former journalist and FM96 Breakfast show host Tukini Cama. “Tuks” was certainly one of the “GOAT” in the field of radio journalism and with a religious fan following, he had the aptitude to naturally entertain listeners with his witty humour and gifted personality. After his departure from FM96, I had to switch to another radio medium as the once leading FM96 swiftly lost its ambience and appeal after Tukini’s departure. Till date, no radio personality could match up to his calibre and talent. Rest high Tukini Cama. Gone too soon bro! Nishant Singh Lautoka

Mother tongue

I concur with the Minister for iTaukei Affairs that many Fijians are losing touch in speaking their mother tongue as a result of rural-to-urban drift. The growing infatuation for the English language has already started having a detrimental effect on the vernacular languages and dialects in Fiji. One is confident enough to make an impromptu speech in English but not in their vernacular languages. Non-native English-speaking parents nowadays expect their children to fluently converse in English at a young age without realising that this action pushes their mother tongue towards language death leading to a loss of identity. We need to revive our mother tongue before it is too late. One way to do this is by practising it often either conversationally or in formal arenas. Local writers must be encouraged to produce literature in their native languages, however, the readership status in Fiji puts them at a disadvantage. Prof Subramani’s beautifully crafted novels in Fiji-Hindi, Dauka Puraan and Fiji Maa; Mother of a Thousand, and Dr Nikhat Shameem’s poem ‘1987 ke baad fir’ are masterpieces, however, how many of us have read their work? I, for one, found pleasure in reading their work in Fiji-Hindi and it would be interesting to see other local writers follow their path. Moreover, I guess New Zealand is doing far better in celebrating Pasifika languages than us. All we do is put up posters, say speeches and that’s all. We should not celebrate or mark Mother Language Day but have a Mother Language Month. A week each for the languages that are spoken in Fiji. Activities should be carried out from the top offices to the grassroots. News on social and print media should be in vernacular and schools to have this incorporated into their curriculum. On the same note, I urge the government of the day to accord the Rotuman language an official status in the Fijian Constitution.Currently, English is the supreme language of the land, and translations in Hindi and iTaukei languages are available. However, if there is an apparent difference in meaning, then the English version prevails. It is about time the vernacular languages, including the Rotuman language, were given the same status as English in a bid to safeguard and protect it. If we do not act now, nobody will and we must act for “our mother tongue gives us our identity”. AVITESH D KUMAR Ba

Fijian Drua

On the eve of our Fijian Drua ‘Super Rugby 2024 Odyssey’, we have picked up the toughest teams in the competition in our first few games. No problems, we got this! Given the rise and rise of our Fijian Drua, we have given the super rugby competition a boost in terms of entertaining rugby, super tackles and very importantly, capacity stadiums. Being a viable threat in today’s rugby, the Fijian Drua have done what rugby coaches the world over have always feared. A cohesive unit of highly talented individuals, innately skilled, super fit, young and with rugby knowledge beyond their years, competing at the highest level of rugby and claiming their place as a team to be reckoned with. The Auckland Blues game will be brutal. The Blues have big men with a collective rugby knowledge beyond our young Fijian Drua. On Saturday afternoon, the Fijian Drua will have to run the Auckland Blues ragged. Keep the game simple and have faith that collectively the team can and will win. No doubt, Vern Cotter understands the threat the Fijian Drua poses. As a team that have earned their place in the southern hemisphere’s showcase rugby competition, the Fijian Drua appreciates and respects the first game. And as the Israelis say; “knowledge conquers fear”! Fijian Drua, you have the team, the youth, the fitness, the rugby nous and the Fijian fans from all over New Zealand up there in Whangarei to be with and celebrate victory with you. Soko Drua Soko! Epeli Rabua Ragg Ave, Tamavua, Suva

Radio personality

Isa, the famous radio personality, Tukini Cama, has departed. Growing up in the 1990s, hosts such as Tukini Cama and Lenora Qereqeretabua made listening to radio stations so interesting and entertaining. I loved listening to them on FM96. What an opportunity it was to be able to listen to them so often, that they almost became like household members. Unfortunately, the quality of radio hosts nowadays has deteriorated and in some cases is a joke. Farewell Tukini Cama. The nation was blessed to have a host like you. Floyd Robinson Micronesia

Skipper Cup set to roll!

Excitement is rife as the 2024 Skipper Cup competition is set to roll on Saturday. Defending champions, Suva, are ready to defend their title, while the Maroons (Lautoka), after a lapse of three years, and Ba are ready to rub shoulders against the ‘big boys’. Suva looks favourites for the Skipper Cup title which was previously ruled by the Stallions. It’s a pity that Nadroga has lost the touch that made it rule provincial rugby once, while teams like Suva, Nadi and Naitasiri have pulled the cart and become formidable opposition to Nadroga. I am hopeful that the Nadroga coaching panel have something up their sleeve to counter Suva and take back the Skipper Cup to the Coral Coast. My brother Shalwyn Prasad, who also supports Nadroga, is hungry for a great start and the Cup to rest in Nadroga! Hakwa Nadro hakwa! Rajnesh Ishwar Lingam Nadawa, Nasinu

Glitch closure

We want closure on the poll glitch topic, but how do you achieve that Ana Mataiciwa? The Acting Supervisor of Elections is still talking about the glitch or is she incompetent after two years of the elections? Blame game is on, let’s get serious and find a solution. Tukai Lagonilakeba Nadi

Tip of the iceberg

The increase in drug-related crimes in the country speaks of the brave work of crime detection and prevention in the police force. The police knows that the Voivoi-Legalega drug bust is just the tip of the iceberg. And I believe they are digging deeper into some of these kava exporters, kava salons and “window shop” businesses which sprouted out of nowhere. I am sure what will come out of the dirt will be more astronomical than what the Opposition would have us believe. Samu Railoa Nadi

Horseback shopping

Congratulations to Renu and Parmesh Chand for the developments you are assisting in Nukuloa. I love the idea of riding to the supermarket on horseback, having a convenient horse park, and loading the horse for the return journey. May this long continue even with a fuel station available to tempt people to buy cars! Tessa Mackenzie Suva Soccer clinics My nephew who is a student at a primary school in Lautoka was so happy to see technical coaches from Fiji Football Association doing clinics for his school. The coaches brought 20 soccer balls but left only two for those kids when they have eight classes. What happened Fiji Football Association to the soccer balls? Geoffrey Chand Lautoka

The change

Do you think a huge reason why the current government managed to come into power arose from the fact that many in Fiji were fed up with the previous government? Mohammed Imraz Janif Natabua, Lautoka

Head in sand

Rich, the oppo lot Neanderthals pontificating about Fiji’s decision re Israel. Forgot about Indonesia and West Papua, did you? Ostriches. MANOJ LAL PATEL Drasa Ave, Lautoka

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