Letters to the editor

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Letters to the editor

Stop blaming

INTERESTING comment made by the FijiFirst general secretary Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum when speaking to voters in Tavua where he said,”We are not here to give a speech on election or racial differences …We want to talk about policies but we are being forced to talk to you about these things.”

My question to Mr Sayed-Khaiyum are these; who is stopping you from talking about policies? Who is forcing you to talk about election and racial differences?

Please stop blaming others for your downfall.

I believe the FijiFirst has lost its plot for they are the only party that is on full time talking about election and racial differences.

My advice to the two leaders of the FijiFirst party is to stop talking about who we should vote for because that is our democratic right, you will only make yourselves unpopular by forcing us to vote for you.


Safety this festive season

IT’S sad to read in The Fiji Times (FT 27/11) about the loss of a life while socialising with drinks.

We can still celebrate with other drinks such as kava, soft drinks and Fiji water in talanoa sessions, parties or picnics.

The festive season is the time to be safe with your loved ones, not to regret with sadness.

Safety first with care and share should be everyone’s concern.

TAHIR ALI Hamilton, New Zealand

Shake a leg

IN responding to a comment made by Mr Rabuka that FijiFirst had accomplished nothing so far, Mr Bainimarama responded during one of his campaigns, saying Mr Rabuka was spending too much time dancing abroad and also with the women in Namoli during The People’s Alliance’s manifesto launch that he had failed to notice.

Frankly, you have to accomplish more for it to be noticeable beyond your own fantasy.

And maybe the PM also needs to learn some moves from his former military boss so he can spread some joy wherever he goes and give the audience a break from his yada yada!

NADIA NAAZ Sydney, Australia

Doing the right thing

TARUN Tikaram says FWCC coordinator Shamima Ali is not doing justice to the NGO and should do the honourable thing and resign (FT 28/11).

That is nonsense.

Shamima has been doing a very fine job in leading the women’s rights and women’s protection NGO and beyond that in holding those in power to account.

I would contend it is this latter that Mr Tikaram finds unpalatable as a sycophantic supporter of the current Government.

RAJEND NAIDU Sydney, Australia

Free, is it

NOTHING is free in this materialistic world. Everything has a price tag attached to it. Some of these tags are visible, while others are hidden.

Intelligent minds are at ease when some people go around spreading their gospel of what has been made free or promising what else will be free.

In fact, educated voters are laughing to themselves because they understand that all commodities have a cost. It may appear free at first, but you will eventually have to pay for it. It could be through tax deductions or smart borrowings from the World Bank, IMF, and ADB.

Rain, sunshine, and the oxygen we breathe are the only free commodities I am aware of. Mother nature provides for these. The traditional barter system is another form of free exchange of goods and services. However, we live in a cash-based economy.

While speaking of cash economies, Fiji has been “ranked among the world’s fastest growing economies.” (FT 29/11) This is according to an article by “Focus Economics”. I am still trying to process this information though.


Belittling comment

THE FijiFirst general secretary, who a week ago heaped praises on the Bainimarama Government for treating everyone equally, is now saying that a

bhajaniya is not a fit person to be in Parliament because he does not have the ability to contribute to debates and discussions (FT 29/11).

Doesn’t that contradict his earlier statement? This is tantamount to making a mockery of himself.

Just because a person is a bhajaniya doesn’t mean he lacks the intelligence to scrutinise the Bills. Instead of belittling the Opposition candidate, he should take a good look at his own flock first.

What has been their contribution to all the debates on the Bills pertaining to the promulgation of new laws.

Some of them have never opened their mouths but were only present to vote on the motion. Leave alone speaking, I wonder how many of them have actually bothered to even read and fully understand the proposed amendments.

We are not that gullible as to not know how the Bills were steamrolled through the Standing Orders using the majority votes.


Brazil, Portugal qualify from pool.

BRAZIL and Portugal joined defending champions France into the round of 16 with wins over Switzerland 1-0 and Uruguay 2-0.

Ironically, Manchester United stars Casemiro and Bruno Fernandes had vital roles to play in their team’s qualification from pool.

For me, until Casemiro’s stunning goal, I had given up hopes for The Selecao to win, as the five-time champs missed numerous sitters, but then the powerful shot from Casemiro stunned many, including the Switzerland goalie.

As round two is on the verge of coming to a conclusion, the ever-exciting round three will be a do or die battle for many teams including household names Argentina and Germany.

The World Cup football has united fans here and in overseas.


Same time

At the Soccer World Cup, the last two matches from the same pool are played at the same time and day. Would you expect a similar tactic being adopted in Fiji during the local soccer tournaments?

Mohammed Imraz Janif Natabua, Lautoka

Parking fees

The Namaka market carpark has recently been upgraded with additional parking spaces. There is also a new booth for car park attendant and or cashier but not in use, perhaps awaiting a grand opening by a minister. Isn’t the town council losing parking revenue by not collecting parking fees?

Ajai Kumar Nadi

Rest in peace

Rest in peace Simon Hazelman. You will be missed. Allen Lockington Lautoka Return to Fiji Tahir Ali (FT 29/11) says, “Fiji always invites you to return.” Not always as the case of the late Fiji historian Professor Brij Lal demonstrates. Lest we forget.

Rajend Naidu Sydney, Australia

Lautoka soccer

Once again the most expensive, highly fancied Lautoka soccer team lost this season. After getting a overseas coach, manager and players from around the world, Lautoka lost. So what went wrong this time, Was it the sponsor?

Goeffery Chand Lautoka

What stability

Biman says his government will provide stability. Rabuka was the one who caused instability and destabilised our country and now has the gumption to tell us misleadingly that he will provide stability. It was Hon. Voreqe Bainimarama who has provided stability and economic recovery and growth for the last sixteen years.

Tarun Tikaram Lami

Rest high Simon

I was saddened to read about the passing away of a prominent contributor to this column. The name Simon Hazelman will be remembered forever for his solid contributions via this column. Simon did not hesitate to express his opinions which culminated in him winning the weekly and monthly letters to the editor awards. Simon was on dialysis, and via this column, he often shared his experiences, and one of his letters also won an award. My deepest sympathy and condolences to Noleen Billings Hazelman and her family on the loss of our beloved writer! To Simon, thank you for your contributions. Rest high Sir!

Rajnesh Ishwar Lingam Nadawa, Nasinu

Power-packed squad named

The 2023 Swire Shipping Fijian Drua squad was named.

Bulk of the players, who made their debut in the Super Rugby Pacific competition this year, have been retained, while the likes of Michael Naitokani, Emosi Tuqiri, Elia Canakaivata and Iosefo Masi are new additions.

It was pleasing to see Suva Grammar’s Philip Baselala make the development squad alongside the likes of Jack Volavola, Joji Kunavula, Livai Natave, Jone Naqiri and Taniela Rakuro who impressed in the Skipper Cup competition.

The 2023 Super Rugby Pacific season is going to be interesting and exciting as the Fijian Drua will play six quality matches at home. With the intense preparation going on, I’m expecting the Drua to be a force to reckon with!

Rajnesh Ishwar Lingam Nadawa, Nasinu

Humanitarian disaster

The world has become a global village and happenings in one region do affect the other regions of the globe.

The Russian-Ukrainian war has entered the tenth month and there seems to be no end to fighting.

It was hoped that the two parties would agree to peace talks which may have led to the end of the conflict. But the conditions put forward by President Zelenksky were unacceptable to the Russians. Thus the war continues and Russia continues to bombard Ukrainian energy and water infrastructure.

The winter has set in and Russia is accused of weaponising the cold conditions.

Ukrainians are suffering untold misery as winter tightens its grip and the Russians continue to bombard energy and water infrastructure.

NATO allies are scrambling to supply generators and heating equipment as the humanitarian disaster unfolds. But this is insufficient to protect the Ukranians.

People continue to suffer in most inhumane conditions. The United Nations is caught flat footed unable to stop the suffering.

It is difficult to believe that it is happening in our times! It is mind boggling!

Dewan Chand Namadi Heights, Suva

Town issue

Following heavy condemnation, it was agreed that Nadi Town traffic layout will be returned to its original form.

Soon we will see 2022 gone by but the promised change has been not effected.

Whatever system is introduced, it is important to know the reality on ground. Surely it becomes a matter of great concern when you have so many people going against the change that is being brought about.

Before making the decision to revert to the old system, I am sure you had seen a good reason to do so, how come it is not being acted upon.

I think Nadi Town Council needs to take the initiative to see that the promised change was delivered as soon as possible.

Since the announcement if things have changed it is only proper that people are advised of it accordingly.

They ought to know the reason if it is to be delayed. Conversing with people I get the picture that the new system was not workable.

Don’t forget that we are a tourist town too. I hope the new team of special administrators are with their people. Let’s work towards bringing about positiveness and not otherwise

Suresh Chand Nadi

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