‘Lead by example’

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Minister for Employment Agni Deo Singh delivers his address at the Saraswati College prefects induction yesterday. Picture: RUSIATE VUNIREWA

Lead by example was the message by Minister for Employment, Productivity and Industrial Relations, Agni Deo Singh to about 60 newly-inducted prefects of Saraswati College in Nausori yesterday.

“Leadership is about multiple strategies depending on the situation at hand. Good leaders are always honest by their behaviour; they encourage people to speak up,” he said.

Mr Singh said people would follow a leader who was admired and respected.

“Don’t instil fear,” he said.

“You want people to work together with you, you must be compassionate.

“Actions speak louder than words.”

Mr Singh urged the prefects to work with their head boy, head girl, and their deputies if they face any problem.

“The head boy and head girl are very special as they are responsible for representing the student body, maintaining discipline, and enforcing student policies. Your head boy and head girl is the link between the student body and administration.”

Mr Singh also reminded the students that the Government has ensured everything was provided for students such as free education, and bus fare assistance and they were only required to come try their best in school.

“These kinds of opportunities don’t come by every day.”

Meanwhile, students of Latter Day Saints Primary School also held their prefects’ induction yesterday.

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