Lawyer opens firm

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Business partners Jagath Karunaratne and Emanuel Narayan at their Suva-based firm. Picture: SUPPLIED

A local lawyer has opened his law firm alongside a business and consultancy company to be able to provide legal services to the corporate sector and use his solutions consultancy knowledge to assist locals.

Karunaratne Lawyers principal Jagath Karunaratne said it was always a goal to start his own law firm and apply his own work principles, ethics and discipline to ensure justice is served in all aspects.

Taking into consideration the needs of the local corporate sector, the former politician saw it fit to do the needful.

“This was launched in collaboration with Audax Business Solution, a business solutions and consultancy company where they have a consortium of consultants who are specialised in many aspects of the corporate world and they have highly experienced consultants,” Mr Karunaratne said.

“Therefore, the idea is for Karunaratne Lawyers to provide legal services to the corporate sector backed with business sense and application while the law firm will have its unique personalised services to individuals with passion for their individual needs apart from the corporate world.

“Lawyering is a passion for me and I need to have surroundings that suit my way of providing services to the people that meet their needs and expectations.”

After travelling the world as a solutions consultant and listening to the needs of the corporate world, the Suva-based senior lawyer believes the time is right for him to contribute to his adopted country’s growth.

“After I landed in Fiji over 22 years ago, my life has seen twists and turns where I faced many challenges and also experienced the most beautiful life events.

“The challenges faced have changed my perspective of life and law as a profession is something that can really add value by serving people with a different mindset.

“Life is about giving and this may be one of the ways that I am trying to give to society in my capacity as a lawyer.”

Mr Karunaratne said he and his business partners provide legal services in all sectors plus business solutions vetted with legal opinions services.

He said the investment was also made possible through the efforts and enthusiasm of his wife, family and friends.

“Right now my immediate plan is to focus on civil, criminal and other legal services in a unique manner while open our doors to the corporate and Government with value added services.

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