Kamikamica hopes GCC will continue into the future

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Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications Manoa Kamikamica and Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka on Bau Island. Picture: FIJI GOVT

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications Manoa Kamikamica says the return of the Great Council of Chiefs means “another key part of the rebuilding Fiji process”.

Mr Kamikamica said the reconvening of the GCC meeting on the chiefly island of Bau was one of several promises the three political parties that made up the People’s Coalition Government planned to deliver should they be elected to lead.

“One of the satisfying parts of the job of a politician is keeping your promises. The GCC was a core promise and to see it come to fruition was satisfying,” he said.

“The hope is that the GCC will continue where it stopped but to ensure its relevance in the 21st century. It should be a source of wisdom, compassion and love for all people in Fiji and more particularly the i-Taukei.”

Following the return of the GCC after it was disbanded in 2007, Mr Kamikamica said the GCC could provide guidance on key issues such as more than majority of the indigenous population live below the poverty line.

“It is government’s job to address the poverty levels with the GCC providing guidance and support. Some key areas where guidance will be required are NCDs; the review of social structures and addressing education gaps.

“For the i-Taukei, the chiefs are part of a whole social system which had relevance.”

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