KALAWA | Rugby League remains a fond memory for young Singh

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Some students who were part of the ‘Give it gp’ sports program. Picture: FNRL

AS the school holidays started on Monday, August 26, students were excited to participate in the Fiji Sports Council “Give it a go” sports program co-hosted by Fiji Sports Council and Fiji National Sports Commission.

The program engages a variety of sports partners from soccer, swimming, tae kwon do, hockey, and of course your friendly team at the NRL.

The NRL team are excited to re-engage again with the program to continue to share about the sport of Rugby League to all children during the school holidays.

One participant made quite an impression on the development team with her talent, enthusiasm, and attentiveness to the activities. Meehika Singh, 15, a student of Jai Narayan College shares her experience of the program;

“I love this program because it’s very engaging and fun for all ages. I actually was so happy when I saw NRL in the ‘Give it a go’ program because it brought back some good memories of when I took part in the program when you came to my school at Nehru Primary in 2016, I also still remember that I was given my very own rugby league ball and certificate by the coaches for being the most engaging participant and it was so much fun.

“I am so happy to see the team again and take part in the NRL program.”

The “Give it a go” program with Fiji Sports Council continues until Friday, September 6 in Suva.

Contact Fiji Sports Council directly on how to register.

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