Increase in overall crime rate

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The overall crime rate increased by 5 per cent during the month of August in the Western, Eastern and Northern divisions.

A police statement read 1524 reports were registered during the month and compares with 1456 reports for the same period last year.

The Western Division recorded the most crime with 570 reports.

The Southern Division was second with 417 reports while the Northern Division recorded 240 reports, the Eastern Division recorded 233 and the Central Division recorded the least, 133 reports.

Cases involving the unlawful possession of illicit drugs increased by 26 per cent with 147 of 161 drug cases recorded.

The remaining 14 cases involved the unlawful cultivation of illicit drugs.

According to the police, the increase in number of illicit drug cases recorded was a result of special joint operations conducted with the Fiji Detector Dog Unit (FDDU) and Fiji Revenue and Customs Service (FRCS).

In terms of the types of drugs involved, 17 cases, approximately 11 per cent, were related to methamphetamine and the remaining 144 cases related to the unlawful possession of marijuana.

The police said that in anticipation of increased drug-related activities nearing the festive season, operations would be beefed up to target drug peddlers and suppliers.

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