‘I feel proud’ – Singh

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‘I feel proud’ – Singh

NOTHING beats the satisfaction of making my parents proud, says Fiji National University graduate Natasha Nikeeta Singh.

She was one of 22 students who graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery at FNU’s College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (CMHS) graduation at the Vodafone Arena last week.

“I feel very proud that I’m able to give my parents the satisfaction of having a degree and getting a doctor in front of my name,” the 22-year-old said.

“They’ve worked immensely hard throughout my life and it’s a very good feeling to be able to show them my appreciation by finally completing my studies.

“I’ve always wanted to do something in the medical field and dentistry was the best option for me, seeing the quality of oral health in Fiji and the awareness about or regarding oral health.”

Ms Singh said she was happy to be in a field where she could help people maintain their bula smile.

Aside from her Bachelor of Dental Surgery, she was also awarded the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons Braham Pearlman Award for outstanding achievement in Clinical Dentistry and the Deans Honours award for her program.

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