Heavy rain causes widespread flooding

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A four-wheel drive muscles its way through flooded waters in Ba Town. Picture: BALJEET SINGH

Downpours caused widespread flooding across the country.

The Ba River broke its banks yesterday, resulting in floodwaters pouring into the town and adjacent areas.

Rakiraki Town was underwater from Thursday while many low-lying areas in Vanua Levu, Nausori, and Tavua reported incidences of flash flooding from unrelenting overnight rain.

Meanwhile, schools in the Northern Division will remain closed until further notice, says Minister for National Disaster Management Inia Seruiratu.

Mr Seruiratu said the schools were closed from Wednesday based on a decision made by Commissioner Northern Uraia Rainima.

Mr Seruiratu said the National Disaster Management Office had endorsed the decision after strong winds and heavy rain were experienced in the division and flash floods alert issued by the Fiji Meteorological Service.

“The Northern Division is under a declaration for a state of natural disaster and the Commissioner Northern has guidelines within the Disaster Act to ensure the safety of people within the division,” he said.

Attempts to get a statement from Minister for Education Rosy Akbar yesterday were unsuccessful.

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