Going beyond the limit – Teachers praised for having online classes at their own expense

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Teachers of the Immaculate Conception College prepare their online classes for students from the foot of a mountain at Navave to access internet. Picture: SUPPLIED

Forking out almost $100 from their pockets to get online classes across to their students has been a task done out of passion for a few teachers in Bua during the COVID-19 pandemic.

During dull days in which internet access is limited, the teachers of Immaculate Conception College in Solevu hire a truck at $60 and an extra cost on the generator fuel to use while working from the foot of a mountain at Navave where the telecommunications towers are erected.

The teachers have been praised and thanked on social media for their efforts. Schoolteacher Selemo Drokamaisau said this had become the norm for them during this pandemic.

“Our school sits behind the towers so accessing the internet has been difficult, especially during dull days,” he said.

“We then decided to share costs to pay for the truck and buy fuel for the generator so we could travel to the foot of the mountain to access the internet and have online classes for our students.

“Most of our students are in villages that can access the internet so it’s good for us and we have done this out of the love of our duties to assist our students.”

Mr Drokamaisau was at the same foot of the mountain yesterday with colleagues for their online classes.

Parents in Bua have thanked these teachers for their great work and dedication in keeping their students updated, even during this difficult time.

Similar efforts have been seen with teachers at Banaban Primary School on Rabi Island, who have travelled around the island to drop off assignments for their students.

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