GCC meeting: We want the best for all – Ro Teimumu

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Marama na Roko Tui Dreketi Ro Teimumu Kepa on Bau Island. Picture: ELENA VUCUKULA

We want the best for all who call Fiji home, says Marama Bale na Roko Tui Dreketi Ro Teimumu Kepa.

She said this to The Fiji Times on Monday after the Great Council of Chiefs (GCC) welcome service at the Ratu Cakobau Memorial Church on Bau Island.

Ro Teimumu said expectations were high and everyone looked forward to the much-anticipated meeting of the GCC since its abolition under the Bainimarama regime 16 years ago.

She said the review team had been to nine of the 14 provinces and they looked forward to the findings and recommendations they would bring with them when they made their presentation today.

“From there, the GCC will need to look at the way ahead in terms of wellbeing and good governance of the iTaukei and of course we are also looking at the other communities who call Fiji home.

“We want what is best for the iTaukei, but also for the other communities who live here in Fiji with us.”

Ro Teimumu said how the GCC would address the issues raised needed divine intervention.

“I think we need to pray and make sure that we are all on the same page, looking at the same vision, moving ahead.”

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