GCC meeting: Some Ra youths swear at chiefs; are into drugs – Rep

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Men of Nakorotubu in Ra perfor a traditional meke during the official opening of the Great Council of Chiefs meeting on Bau Island on Wednesday, May 24, 2023. Picture: SOPHIE RALULU

Some youths in Ra swear at their chiefs, are addicted to alcohol and drugs and do not contribute to the yearly provincial soli.

A Ra representative to the Great Council of Chiefs meeting on Bau Island Ratu Manoa Seru told The Fiji Times that disrespect towards the leaders and elders was the norm today.

He said education on their traditional role in light of the GCC restoration would hopefully change things for the better.

“Many of the youths nowadays don’t listen,” he said.

“Some chiefs from the province get sworn at by young people. We also have a commitment to give $30 per household towards our provincial soli that is done yearly. And right now we have only achieved 20 per cent of that soli — most of the youths aged 25 years and above don’t contribute.”

Ratu Manoa added government assistance payments were used for parties instead of their intended purpose.

“There were concerns raised in our bose ni tikina (district meetings) about youths buying alcohol with the $360 given by the previous government.”

Ratu Manoa said they had given a submission to the GCC review committee highlighting the concerns he raised with this newspaper.

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