Gavoka: Party will stick to traditional allies

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SODELPA leader Viliame Gavoka at his office in Suva. Picture: ATU RASEA

A SODELPA government will negotiate visa-free travel to Australia and strengthen ties with Israel by establishing a Fiji Embassy in Jerusalem, says Social Democratic Liberal Party leader Viliame Gavoka.

He said they would reopen the embassy in Brussels to strengthen ties between the countries. Mr Gavoka added SODELPA would stick to its traditional allies and hold discussions with Australia and New Zealand to push the focus more on education and labour mobility.

“We want the quality of work and education here in our country to be in harmony with Australia and New Zealand and we also will work towards visa-free travel between our countries.

“SODELPA will provide free tertiary with the aim to harmonise our standard to our neighbours and when we do that we will also raise the standard of living for our people.”

Mr Gavoka said one area Fiji had failed in was not strengthening the institutions that had once governed the great nation.

“There were so many institutions created to govern Fiji and for the military to take over and push these institutions aside has weakened this country very badly.

“Lots of the laws that have been passed through the Standing Order 51 did not go through the proper process – such as the Media Decree – and we will relook at a lot of those acts.

“There is so much our party will want to do when we come into government and one is to remove fear from the country and we believe we have the right people in our lineup as we will cherish democracy to its fullest.”

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