From the Editor-in-Chief’s desk: Your September 26 briefing

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The big story on The Fiji Times‘ edition for Monday, September 26 is on the Rock The Vote Fiji saga.

People’s Alliance Party deputy leader Lynda Tabuya has been given until September 30 to respond to queries from the Fijian Elections Office about her involvement with “Rock The Vote Fiji”.


Here are some headlines inside:

PG 4

  • NO one will be left behind under a Labour-led government, says Fiji Labour Party leader Mahendra Chaudhry.
  • BEING a school dropout did not deter Felix Parker from pursuing a career in politics. He is a provisional candidate for the National Federation Party (NFP) for the 2022 General Election.

PG 5

  • ATECA Qica and Anwesh Kumar say they will never forget the day they met and had a conversation with Queen Elizabeth II.
  • REFLECTNG on the demand for freight service businesses in Fiji, a new $250,000 warehouse has been opened by local company CGM Freights Pte Limited in Lautoka.

PG 7

  •  THE Fiji Police Force made a total of 39 arrests in relation to methamphetamine between the month of January to August this year.
  • A 26-year-old man is in police custody for allegedly attacking and robbing an elderly man in Muaniweni last Friday.
  • UNITY Fiji party leader Savenaca Narube says it has been a challenge trying to get “Fijians of Indian descent” to join their lineup for the 2022 General Election.
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