FPRA receives sponsorship for two music awards

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Fiji Performing Rights Association staff, from left, Soko Loga, Laisa Vulakoro and Seru Serevi thank Rooster Busniess Development manager Rohitesh Naidu and Ashabhai’s Eroni Navunisaravi during the sponsorship cheque presentation in Suva, on Mon April 08, 2023. Picture: ELIKI NUKUTABU

The Fiji Performing Rights Association Ltd (FPRA) received sponsorship money for two awards in the 2023 FPRA Music Awards.

The awards will be held at Grand Pacific Hotel on Saturday.

The best Hindi music award, which carries a prizemoney of $5000 cash, was sponsored by Ashabhai & Co. Pte Ltd and the best gospel music award is sponsored by New-Methodist Christian Fellowship (NCF).

While thanking the sponsors, FPRA board director Laisa Vulakoro said it was hard to attract sponsors for those two categories.

“I am thankful to Ashabhai and New-Methodist Fellowship for providing these sponsorships.”

Ashabhai & Co. Pte Ltd sales and marketing supervisor Eroni Navunisaravi assured FPRA they were there to support young talent.

New-Methodist Christian Fellowship (NCF) senior pastor Elijah Vulaono said their church was using gospel songs of local artists during worships.

“I believe that 50-60 per cent denominations out there, use our local gospel music and it’s wrong on our part not to sponsor them or give them back what they had been giving us.”

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