Fijian couple wins again

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Originally from Fiji, Viky, left, and Nileshna Narayan purchased a CrestClean franchise in 2005 and quickly moved up to the role of Regional Master Franchisees. Picture: SUPPLIED

Fijian franchisees Viky and Nileshna Narayan have been recognised at the Westpac New Zealand Franchise Awards for the third time.

Currently, Regional Master Franchisees for CrestClean’s Auckland South region, Viky and Nileshna have received the “Regional Master Franchisee of the Year” award, as they previously have in 2019 and 2015.

The Narayans purchased a CrestClean franchise in 2005 and quickly moved up to the role of Regional Master Franchisees, and currently oversee operations for 62 franchise teams, comprised of 175 personnel who provide cleaning services to 360 customers.

“Many stakeholders are involved in the success of our business,” Viky Narayan said.

“We consistently go above and beyond to exceed customer expectations, resulting in a growing base of loyal clients who are motivated to make positive, powerful word-of-mouth referrals,” he added.

“In the past year, our customer contract terminations have been halved and our contract values have increased by 13 per cent.”

  • CrestClean managing director Grant McLauchlan said, “This achievement speaks volumes about the ongoing success of their business and the standard they set for other franchisees.”
  • The prestigious award was presented at a gala dinner in Auckland on Saturday, November 11, 2023.
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