Fijian boxers impress

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Sakiusa Narara and George Crotty exchange blows during the bout at the Queen Elizabeth Barracks in Suva earlier this month. Picture: JONA KONATACI

British Royal Navy Boxing head coach Nick Mcgarrety says they will be looking to have more visits to Fiji after a successful outing at a Fiji Amateur Boxing Event last weekend.

The team of 18 boxers was part of the Fiji Selections vs British Royal Navy Fiji Boxing-sanctioned event that kick-started last Friday.

“This was just round one of the event, and we are already excited and looking forward to coming back here in the near future,” he said.

“Being able to bring out our boxers here to Fiji and expose them to a different level and style of boxing is great.”

He also mentioned he was impressed with the level and style of boxing here in the country.

“Just judging from the first round of the event, I can tell that Fiji has a very different and raw style of boxing which is very exciting to watch.”

With round two of the event set to get underway tomorrow, Mcgarrety is looking forward to what the rest of the tournament holds for his boxers.

“I am really looking forward to round two of this event, as we had some exciting bouts last Friday which makes this last round a promising one.”

The British Royal Navy boxing side is expected to depart our shores next week.

“We really loved our stay here in Fiji over the past week, and we look forward to coming back in the near future.”

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