Fiji chosen by ILO, says Cawaru

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FIJI has been chosen by the International Labour Organization to be a pathfinder country for the Sustainable Development Goal alliance 8.7.

Ministry of Employment, Productivity and Industrial Relations permanent secretary Osea Cawaru made the comment at the World Day Against Child Labour celebration for teachers and students in Nadi yesterday.

“I am glad to announce that the International Labour Organization (ILO) has chosen Fiji as a pathfinder country for the Sustainable Development Goal alliance 8.7 on “Ending Child Labour” with calls on global community to take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery, human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of worst forms of child labour,” he said.

Mr Cawaru said the ILO estimated that 218 million children between the ages of five and 17 years worldwide were in employment and among those, around 73 million were engaged in hazardous child labour.

“Here in Fiji, I urge you all to work hand in hand to avoid and end the suffering of our children.

“While we have protection under the legislation, you have to take proper ownership of your rights and responsibilities. We must say no to child labour.”

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