Engineering her dream – Dorris breaks barriers

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Strategic Consultants in Planning and Engineering Pacifi c Pte Ltd graduate trainee civil engineer, Dorris Rachel Mil-beth Ravai with work mates. Picture: SUPPLIED

Civil engineering graduate Dorris Rachel Mil-beth Ravai doesn’t believe people should limit themselves to gender, ethnicity or background. In doing so, she answers the time-worn question of what it’s like being a woman in a male-dominated profession.

Ravai is currently employed at SCOPE Pacific Pte Ltd as a graduate trainee civil engineer although her interest in buildings and design began at a young age. “I was interested in structural design and buildings from a young age and that was the reason for my choice of profession,” she said.

Ravai completed Year 12 at Adi Cakobau School in 2014 and enrolled for Foundation Science studies at the University of the South Pacific in 2015. After completing her foundation studies, she secured herself a scholarship to pursue a Degree in Civil Engineering at the Fiji National University.

“It was intimidating at times as I was one of the few females in my class, but that motivated me even more.

“After four challenging years studying in a male-dominated program, I was able to complete my studies and graduate.”

Ravai graduated in 2020, but her dreams of pursuing her passion had to be put on hold as her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and passed away the same year.

“This period was the toughest time of my life. “All my older siblings were working, so I had to stay home with my younger sister and nurse mom.”

However, Ravai said despite being sick, her mum still organised a little graduation ceremony and party at home for her because all graduation ceremonies that year were cancelled because of the outbreak of the virus.

“Seeing someone whom you’ve known to be the emblem of strength your entire life become so vulnerable and dependent, it really took a toll on me mentally.”

However, Ravai is thankful that she was able to spend six-months with her mum before she died.

Four months after her mum’s passing, Ravai was offered the opportunity to work at SCOPE Pacific Pte Ltd as a graduate trainee civil engineer.

Her tasks have included designing and drafting documentation, site inspections, construction supervision, field survey, investigations and data gathering.

“Being a female in this field has taught me many things, but one of the main takes is that you should not limit yourself due to gender, ethnicity and background.

“I hope that my experience will encourage and inspire others, especially young women, to defy the odds, go against the grain and with sheer hard work and resilience achieve your goal.”

She aspires to be one of the top civil engineers in the Pacific in five to 10 years time with a Masters Degree.

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