Employment minister clarifies compensation payout for work related accidents, deaths

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Leader of Opposition Ro Teimumu Kepa shakes hand with acting PM Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum with Avisake Lomani after the presentation of the $75k compensation cheque earlier this year. Picture: ATU RASEA

WORKMEN’S compensation pay-out is provided to workers who are injured during and in the course of employment and to dependents for deceased workers whose deaths are related to employment.

Minister for Employment, Productivity and Industrial Relations Jone Usamate emphasised this after receiving queries in Labasa while holding public consultations in the Northern Division this week.

“For an injured worker to qualify for workmen’s compensation, he or she has to be on work related sick leave for 3 or more consecutive days to qualify for compensation,” Mr Usamate said in a Government media release.

“Under the Workmen’s Compensation Act the injury is to be reported within 14 days and death cases within 7 days upon the employer having knowledge of the accident and death.”

Mr Usamate added that compensation cases are to be filed within three years from the date of injury or death.

All compensation cases received are to be processed within a six year processing timeframe.

“The injured worker is entitled to a maximum of 260 weeks which is equivalent to five years of continuous sick leave and the employer is required to pay two-third weekly wages,” he added.

Mr Usamate further added that in cases where the worker is an inpatient worker, the employer is obliged to pay two-third (2/3) wages and the continuation of two-third wage payment will depend on the production of sick sheet.

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