Eight years for farmers

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Confiscated dried leaves believed to be marijuana. Picture: SUPPLIED

Three men who cultivated 11,334 marijuana plants in the interior of Ba have been jailed for eight years by the High Court in Lautoka.

Justice Samuela Qica stated in his ruling that Richard Louis, Samuela Tuinivala, and Pete Salabula were essentially being utilised to cultivate and gather the marijuana plants and that they were “gardeners”.

“Their birth certificates indicate that all three individuals are from the province of Cakaudrove, on Vanua Levu,” stated Justice Qica.

“There is insufficient evidence to establish that the three individuals had any legal proprietary interest in the land where the marijuana plants were found.

“It is unclear who owns the land, and given that the location is in the interior of Ba and the three individuals are from Vanua Levu, there is not enough evidence to indicate that the three played a leading or significant role in the illegal activity.

“I acknowledge that the three individuals were involved in the offence as secondary parties.

“They were essentially being utilised to cultivate and gather the marijuana plants (gardeners).

“It seems they were motivated by financial benefits.

“The offender, Richard Louis, confessed that he had planted marijuana to construct his house on Taveuni.

“Overall, it is evident that the three individuals were motivated by financial gain and personal benefit.”

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