DYON – Best writer

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Matilda Simmons with their HOD language Mrs Ranitu. Picture: MATILDA SIMMONS

MATILDA Simmons scooped the Best Writer and Best Editorial award for Lautoka Andhra Sangam College.

The 17-year-old wrote an article about rape and its consequences.

“My main concern is that it is a rising issue, and it’s not talked about openly and I felt that it needed to be emphasised,” she said.

Matilda who is of Part-European and Indian descent says having the best of both worlds have helped her adapt to cultures around her.

She is fluent in the Hindi and English language.

After high school she hopes to take a career in the medical field.

“For a small school like ours, it was challenging at first to put our paper together, given the funds etc, but the editorial win is a bonus for us and we hope to do even better this year,” she said.

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