Disaster relief plans

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The huge crowd gathered during the HOMES-CARE assistance at Ba market grounds. Picture: BALJEET SINGH/FILE

THE Social Democratic Liberal Party says if it forms government, it will ensure that relief assistance programs were properly planned, budgeted and promptly delivered to affected areas. In a statement released by the party, SODELPA leader Sitiveni Rabuka said these areas would be those identified by the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) in its post disaster assessment reports through existing machinery, rather than through the private sector with additional costs.

Mr Rabuka said they would deliver assistance in a timely manner as well as take “a holistic approach in designing relief assistance packages”.

The former prime minister said this was to ensure affected people received the needed assistance promptly, without unnecessary delay, and to also ensure their homes were cyclone resistant.

He said a SODELPA government would also reactivate the government machineries that had been disbanded for the effective and prompt delivery of relief assistance.

“The revival of the Prime Minister’s Cyclone Rehabilitation and Housing Department and the Government Supplies Department to co-ordinate, monitor and drive post-cyclone rehabilitation, will be given priority,” he said.

“This important and urgent task cannot be outsourced to private companies by the government.”

Mr Rabuka also said government should also work closely with civil society organisations to support and complement its effort.

The date of the national election is expected to be announced next month.

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