Dad celebrates with sons

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Elia Uluilakeba with his boys Iowane Uluilakeba (right) and Solomoni Uluilakeba attend the church in Lautoka. Picture: REINAL CHAND

FOR Elia Uluilakeba, celebrating Father’s Day with a church service was the perfect way to reflect on his life as dad and mentor to two boys.

The military officer was at the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church in Lautoka yesterday morning with his children Iowane, three, and 10-month-old Solomoni.

Originally from Taveuni, he said Father’s Day was a special occasion for him.

“Personally for me, being a father means taking care of my family and watching my sons grow and ensuring they become good parents when they grow older,” he said.

“Today (yesterday), I plan to just spend time with my children and the family and meet with other relatives and have lovo and grog.” He said the most challenging aspect of being a father was juggling work with his paternal duties.

However, Mr Uluilakeba said, it was necessary for fathers to spend time with their families, in particular, children.

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