CWM cleanup campaign – Coordinated culture of keeping our hospital clean

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The Colonial War Memorial Hospital in Suva. Picture: ATU RASEA

Members of the public are being urged to join in a cleanup campaign at the Colonial War Memorial Hospital (CWMH) on Saturday, February 25.

The theme for the event is “Let’s Do It Again, Together for CWMH: We Care”.

In a statement, CWMH is calling for assistance in providing reliable water supply, consistent electricity supply, beds for patients in all wards, clean spaces and rest spaces for the health workers.

The hospital also highlighted the need for equipment such as dialysis machines, improved maternity unit beds and spaces, laundry services, sheets, towels and pillowcases.

“So much has been raised in the media on the need for some urgent work, from minor to major, from quick fix to major projects to be undertaken at the CWMH,” the hospital said.

“There have been challenges in the recent past but the aim now is to instill in all of us living in Suva and throughout Fiji that CWMH, the largest hospital in Fiji, is “Our Hospital and Our Collective Responsibility”.

“We must build a coordinated culture of keeping our hospital clean and involve all in the opportunity to make a difference.

“The health of every Fijian is not the responsibility of one person, one organisation, one association or one ministry but the combined responsibility of us all.

“Help us help you and the CWMH hospital.”

The hospital said many have expressed an interest in offering their services and the cleanup day would be a good place to start.

“There is a lot of pressure on the CWMH to meet and deliver growing patient-centred services.”

CWMH said interested people should contact Losalini Tavaga on 9925269 or 9380157 or email :

“The cleanup day will be from 8am to 1pm on Saturday and would concentrate in the outside areas of the hospital mainly and areas where there are no patients.

“It will involve cleaning the gardens, tidying up the grounds, wiping down the walls and windows, cleaning drains and water blasting some areas.

“There will be painting of some areas where necessary and small maintenance work.

“The CWMH board of visitors will supply gloves, masks, sanitisers, garbage bags, cleaning liquid and detergent, wiping cloths and buckets.

“Businesses, corporations, NGOs and associations, women organisations, youth groups, universities, churches, schools, provincial councils and other members of the community are welcome to participate.”


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