COVID-19: One new case reported; Makoi Health Centre closed

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Ministry of Health and Medical Services permanent secretary, Dr. James Fong speaking at the national announcement COVID-19 briefing at the Ministry of Health headquarters conference room at Dinem House in Toorak, Suva. Picture: FIJIAN GOVERNMENT/FILE

Fiji has one new COVID-19 case after 1380 tests were conducted.

Ministry of Health and Medical Services permanent secretary Dr James Fong says the new case is from Kalokalo Crescent in Makoi who presented to the Makoi Health Centre today with COVID symptoms.

Consequently, the health centre has now been closed to members of the public.

“At this very early stage in the investigation, no link has been established between this case and others,” Dr Fong said in tonight’s daily COVID-19 press briefing.

“We’ll be treating this as another case of community transmission until proven otherwise.

“The contact tracing, testing and isolation protocols are currently activated and the centre is closed for now.”

Some quick facts provided this evening:

  • 1 new case was reported today
  • 3 patients have recovered
  • 36 active cases in isolation
  • 7 border quarantine cases
  • 23 locally transmitted cases
  • 6 under investigation to determine source of transmission
  • 140 cases in total since the first case was detected on March 19, 2020
  • 101 recoveries
  • 3 deaths
  • 66,605 tests conducted since testing begun last year
  • 1660 daily average tests in last seven days
  • 1380 tests conducted yesterday (this figure could be higher as results from two labs are still pending)
  • 8529 weekly average tests in last two weeks
  • 10,237 record test samples were conducted last week.

Source: Dr Alisha Sahu-Khan, COVID-19 press briefing; May 10)

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