Colata urges young athletes

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Jale Colata Qasevakatini poses with his medals and the Fiji flag yesterday. Picture: VEREIMI WARA

Age is just a number and seasoned bodybuilder Jale Colata Qasevakatini embodies the phrase following his illustrious participation in an International Fitness and Bodybuilding Federation (IFBB) event held at the Suva Civic Centre recently.

The 59-year-old scooped three medals in the event, with two gold medals attained for the best entertainer in the region and for the most muscular pose, with a silver medal earned in the masters category.

He began his journey in the sport more than 25 years ago, starting out at the Chairman’s Gym in Suva before moving over to the Metro Gym where he is currently based and imparts the essence of the sport to young and enthusiastic learners.

He urged young bodybuilders to come forward and participate in future IBFF events, lamenting an apparent lack of them during the event he partook in at the Civic Centre.

He and other senior bodybuilders have come on board to help their younger counterparts in preparing for future competitions on a local and regional scale, but most especially to place them on a pathway through which they could become affiliated with IFBB.

“We have to help them to come to that path where we came from because (for) some of them whether they win or lose, that’s the way it will go down for them,” Qasevakatini said.

With the Mr & Ms Fiji event coming up next month, he also urged competitors to remain positive as they prepare for it as well as future competitions in New Zealand next year.

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